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Suggestions for my 2003 XR6t Ute


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Hey guys, new around here obviously, I purchased my ute around 4 months ago, lost my license for 3 months about 1 and a half months into owning it haha, still have a bit of time where I wont be driving the car and I feel it would be the perfect time to mod the f*** out of it, then get a tune right before I get my license back :), I have around 7k I would like to throw at this thing, I have been told various things from friends who have owned them in the past, but the main one I hear is 100% get a cold air intake / bigger intercooler asap, I am looking for around 400rwkw+ out of this thing, would it be necessary to do the valve springs etc aiming for that power? I know I will definitely need a bigger fuel pump and possibly turbo, as the title states I am entirely open to suggestions and would love your guys feedback! WHAT SHOULD I DO FIRST?!

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yeah obviously not with only what I listed there, it would be cool if you guys could list me off some things that will add some power, cheers

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You have the pre 2006 motor with skinny rods. If you want 400, sell that car and buy a BF after august 2006 or rebuild the engine. 

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So what you are saying is to upgrade the rods I have to fully rebuild the engine? I was told I could get them forged and it would be fine? Guess not? EDIT: I AM NOT GOING TO PRETEND THAT I KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT CARS I JUST KNOW THE NAME OF A FEW MODS AND THE GENERAL IDEA OF HOW A MOTOR WORKS HAHAHA

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that's a shame, to be fair iv been looking for a reason to sell it and find a manual instead lol, the newer utes are just quite rare in new zealand, and if you do find one they are always 40k+, im 21 yrs old and honestly cant afford that sh*t haha

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probably not the best idea to aim for 400rwkw at 21 years old... stick with the car you've got and mod it carefully to at most 300rwkw.


to get there you'll need:


fuel pump

dump+cat (plus a free-er flowing exhaust from there, but not 100% necessary)

tune (from a reputable tuner - I don't know of any in NZ).

intercooler (to get more than one throttle application in a row to maintain your power level)


this will push the skinny rods as far as they can realistically go without risk of it going bang at any hard throttle application.

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I'll be starting a kiwi BA XR6T Ute build blog soon man. I recently picked up the first decent XR6T Ute that came up in months, '03 BA. Kiwis hold on to their XR6T's like they're worth gold and drive the s**t outta them forever. If you want an XR8 Ute there are quite a few but they've all done 300k+ kms, they're all used as solid workhorses. XR6T's you just can't find. You can find a good condition BF XR6T Sedan for less than 10k, but a Ute? No way, IF you find one it'll be over 12k and 200k+ kms. And an FG Ute? I think I've only ever seen one, at 40k. So yeah, skinny rods, 4 speed auto, but unless I import than that's all she wrote. Anyways I'll be upgrading slowly and doing most of it myself, keep an eye out for it. I'm welly based and there aren't too many people around anymore so any major work I'll get done up in vegas by my brother who runs a speed shop up there building drag cars etc. Otherwise it's running daily and chucking parts in as I can afford the $/time.

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