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My long term tidy up!

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  • Member For: 5y 3m 3d
Bit of a tricky one.. Unless they offered some sort of engineering certification along with the widened wheels but it would cost a fortune to get it all done. Liable yeah maybe if a rim snaps and car runs off the road into a bus stop full of people. Jail time for sure.

Think I will avoid it all and just roll with stock steelies with a fresh coat of silver haha
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  • 1 month later...
  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 5y 3m 3d

Small update... Scouring eBay and gumtree looking for some bits.. Mostly trim bits to make the interior a little nicer and a few small things for the outside.b7e88d0a9aa214e0b3f3952c805aa7e0.jpg8abd1dfe64e83d2445d9a9d6bd908022.jpg100da8a4e590dd8bd715100b9d0c651c.jpg10f1a62ad15e713a1208d3b9174b3f14.jpg4919d6f4cb4b3a6547f0d392c257fd05.jpg


Getting into the garage has been hard.. With work and life and this pesky black dog chasing me everywhere I go, motivation is lacking.

I did contemplate getting the car sprayed professionally and spoke to a few shops. Prices engaged from $4000 to $15,000. Out of my budget unfortunately.

I painted the booty area with spray cans and it tuned out pretty good. 0a3fc2d3ac0d35c47d272ff86d85803c.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 5y 3m 3d

Picked up a new shifter and second hand Monza cooler... Started going through the interior bits and bobs. Pulled out the center console as it was filthy and needed a deep clean.

The more time I spend sitting in the car the more I see how dirty it is. I think I will be buying or renting one of those carpet shampoo machines and giving the interior a mega mega clean up.

Punched out the holes in the grille too so I can fit the Fairmont lights and gave it a lick of paint.

On order are some t2 rotors front and rear and bendix heavy duty pads. Considering brake line replacement also. Not sure if I replace with stock or braided lines.

Next up I will be looking at shocks and springs. Currently I am set on Bilstein shocks and stock height king springs. Yet to confirm if the kings have a stiffer spring rate vs stock springs. If anyone knows? 5e26c390e47d6f4c09abd30e7546dd5e.jpg03840d90e0e1463762a74fc57e3f6a2c.jpgf79a29d9641226205100d8b811b379cf.jpg2cfa57fa14a61cbcd1cb446e0027edbd.jpga3c8c3fcf5e9a0517c58a6ce088208cb.jpg

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  • Member For: 5y 3m 3d

More parts to the collection. Wheel is a solid 8/10 where as my one is literally leaving black goop on my hands when ever I touch it. With a good clean up, it should serve me many years.

Boot trim.. I've been eye out one of these for a while. Its a nice touch. 9c11646e990958679ecc6da9c12f9732.jpg

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  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 5y 3m 3d

Picked up a set of Fairmont wheels. Always really liked this design over any of the xr6 wheels. 3 of them are pretty mint and one need some attention. Tyres will pass a rego check but a 8+ year old no name garbage. So new tyres needed. Good grippy tyres is what I want re003 or similar.

Also picked up a Bissell Spot Clean with the plan to deep clean the carpets and seats. Hoping it will work well on the seat belts also. I think I mentioned before, the interior is flirty and needs a mega mega detail.

Some more progress with the car too. I painted a test panel (my old boot) with quite good results. I used a cheap ozito elctric sprayer from bunnings. It shoots out a ton of paint so your strokes have to be quick but smooth. It left a fair amount of orange peel though but after letting it dry and wet sanding it down from 1000,1500,2000 and a quick hand cut and polish, it came up very good. Was hard to capture a clean up close photo of the panel but I got a few. I used repco gloss white acrylic lacquer mixed 50/50 with thinners.

Being such a large change from blue to white, I have started getting some paint on the car with good old repco acrylic rattle cans especially in those tricky areas around door gaps and edges etc. This will also make the car much easier to paint with the electric spray gun.

In other news I checked out a wrecker last week who has a bunch of seats.. I really want a nice interior and everything clean and today inside. He has a set of f6e seats which I can make fit in the bf but also keeping my eye out a full fpv interior as time goes on. 6aab33c991fb211d5ae197d6624bc656.jpg6b0c702689c105aff7cfc4dfadd6d925.jpg6436a3e1f9df2f54bfaeb11bb9662ce5.jpg00d0eeb44ec75c653aede950dd48db3a.jpg5689bd3cea0727e676952314e0259a62.jpg95dfa0d49f4a63f7099a8a7226088bb7.jpgd8060b2d629503c2f8e94ab7bfca86dd.jpgc85449a33a8ac7f4fb663964c375a39f.jpg

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  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 5y 3m 3d
Thanks mate, it will be no match for gloss and durability of a 2 pack paint not to mention how good it turns out straight off the gun but with time and lots of sandpaper I can at least get it nice, smooth and acceptably glossy.

At this point I just want paint on the car so I can hire the hoist and get back on the mechanical stuff again. Shocks, brakes major service etc.
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