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BA 03 XR6T ute. What to keep?


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Hi Forum

1st time reader and poster so hopefully this is in the right place.

Yes I have searched the forum but I couldn't find anything relating exactly to my question. If I have missed it please link the thread for me. 

I have been given a BA 03 XR6T ute auto. I just want to take out the engine and box. what else should I take from the car before I dump it that I might need later on to make a conversion easier. I don't have a car planned for said conversion. 

This is my fisrt time working on a XR6T So I have no idea what I should keep and what is ok to junk.

I will probably be posting over the next few months when and as I need help.



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well, it depends entirely on where you're going to be moving the engine to... just take out all ancillaries... intake, exhaust, gearbox, electrics.

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Thanks for welcome and quick reply K31th.  I know the main things I need to keep as mentioned above but was wondering if there is anything specific I need to keep from the car.  

As I mentioned I was given this car so I have no plan as to what I want to swap the Barra into could be a 4x4 or something totally left of field. but I don't want the whole car sitting in my backyard for the next few months / years so thought I would rip out the Goods bits and get rid of the shell. So more just little things that may be needed for a conversion that isn't obvious. 

Eg. some special part of the loom in the dash or pedal box things like that. 



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yeah, electrics as mentioned includes the loom and body electrics. take everything except for the shell if you want to be thorough...

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Thanks Mate ill just take it all. Whats the go with the diff can I pull the centre out and use it in an IRS housing? and are the brakes Special because its a turbo model? Thanks again for answering this Noobs questions. 

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brakes you'll likely not be able to fit to a secondary car unless it's similar unless you're going to be making custom created setup etc.


diff is fine to take as a whole as you're likely to be able to use it in some way shape or form.

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Thanks for that EL I had a look at the brakes cant see brembo or anything on them so probably just the normal ones. I have electrically and fluidly (is that a word?) disconnected the engine from the car. I had issues with removing the dump pipe as two of the nuts are stripped had to be the two bottom ones. so ill put it up on stands this afternoon and see if I can get at the two bolts further down the exhaust from the underside or ill just cut it off with a grinder. Should be ready to pull it out on the weekend then ill grab the body harness and that should be job done until I find something to transplant it into.

I live in a small town so the last few days after acquiring the car I have been scoping peoples front yards for possible donors. I have found two (I still need to talk to the owners) a white EL sedan xr6 and also a purple BA sedan xr6 both look like they have been siting for a long time.

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When I pulled my BA motor, I just did those two bolts connecting the dump to the cat pipe and lifted the engine out with the turbo and dump still attached. Then you can tackle the dump once the thing is out.

A BA will obviously be a straight drop in. Just grab the ignition barrel, drivers door lock and glovebox lock so that everything works with your electronics. Grab the body control module off the back of the ICC too as that is paired to your ECU and ignition combo. Or just grab the whole ICC.

I had an EL XR6 and a BA Turbo concurrently. I sold the EL and then ended up buying an FG and parting out the BA. With hindsight, space and time I would have kept the EL and put the BA motor in it as a side project.

The EL will be much more work but a great end result. You'll have to go through all of the engineering etc so won't be a small exercise but has been plenty of times. I have a vague recollection that you can upgrade an EL to AU3 front hubs and uprights which allows BA brakes to be fitted - might be worth researching because then you could keep the brakes which will help get it certified.

If you want a car reasonably quickly go the BA!

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