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G6E Revs Jumping, Shuddering Noise Low Revs


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  • Member For: 5y 5m 27d

I have a 2008 G6E with the ZF 6 Speed in it, I noticed that my Revs were jumping up and down maybe about 500 between 1500-2000, sometimes its at other places in the rev range depending on my throttle input.


I took it into the mechanic, the very next day as I feared milkshake time...

The coolant was discoloured and slightly milky, but the transmission was fine according to them, however after having the heat exchanger changed, trans flush, and coolant flush, Im still having the issue, I have even noticed a bit more milky coolant however that might be residue, im getting it all flushed again in about a weeks time.


It only starts to happen in 4th Gear as the revs are jumping, when it starts to jump or when it starts to "slip" as it goes below 1500 the car makes a horrible shuddering / vibrating noise,

It also happens in Cruise control, and the car feels like its constantly surging with power, as in not smooth.


Im assuming it might be the clutches in the Torque Converter? Everything else with the transmission is fine, Gear changes are smooth, no noises changing from gears etc.

Ive heard issues with the "E clutch" in the zf that activates after 4th gear, which might be where my issue is?


If I put heavy power on they tend to stick to one RPM and let the car increase speed rather than go through the whole rev range when im above 4th gear


The issue is also intermittent, sometimes it will stick to 1500 revs at 60 in 4th, 80 in 5th, and 100 in 6th, however then it might start happening again, it seems to get a little bit better when the car starts to warm up but still exists, currently im avoiding the issue just by going down a gear and letting it stick at 2k revs.


I am currently on the coast and have been referred to Russels Auto Trans Specialists, does anyone think that my gearbox is stuffed, or it might just be the torque converter? maybe even bad oil refill?

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  • Member For: 5y 5m 27d

Still unsure what you mean sorry, wouldnt the car be unable to drive if that was damaged?  would it cause more issues if I continued to drive it?

should it cost me more than 2k?



could it not also be bad fluid level and or torque converter? the mechanic said it had no coolant in it, and its driving fine except for the revs surging, if not would I be able to pin it back on them? Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • Member For: 5y 5m 27d

For future reference if anyone has this issue, 


I went to Russels Auto Trans Specialists this morning on the coast, theyve come back saying the box is stuffed, and would cost anywhere between 3.5 - 5.5k to rebuild, probably further to the 5.5k end


They offered the solution of a new box of $3.3k which I will be going for next week, potentially with them putting on an external cooler for future proofing

Just a shame ive been stuffed around already for 1.5k for a mechanic who turned around and said they couldnt do it, at least the cooling was flushed in that...

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