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Nizpro Stage 2 Kit


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why valve springs? sounds strange considering rpm is unchanged

There are a number of threads floating around on valve springs.

I run GT valve springs.

Others have claimed that's it related to back-pressure on the stock exhaust, but that's not entirely true, as it's occured on at least 2 hi-flow exhausts that I know of.

I've been in another car when it happened, sort of goes bang, you'll lose power, let it idle down (or mild rev) then 30 to 60 seconds later it'll be OK.

It's most likely to occur at power levels in excess of 260rwkw.

At one stage last year (may03) there was a recall on springs.

I'll bet you strike the problem at your new power levels. Quite a few people have already experienced the problem, and it is a known issue with the car.

If you email me I can give you more detailed information, best not to hijack your own thread.


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It was my ute that Brian was in when it happened - being tuned at the time. Not a real good thing to witness, especially when it is your car :thumbsup:

However, Brian, would you believe that I have had absolutely not one incident of it since it was tuned. Now that the temp has dropped up here - thank god, I would estimate that power of 282kws I got in 38 degree intake temp, is well up now because it feels it!! And so did the clutch.... hence a new one a couple of weeks ago.

You can feel the heat soak difference in power. I really do need a bigger (better) intercooler but I am not going to because the F6 has one..... ;)

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BCL(BRIAN)  is 100% spot on as at 260rwklw it happened to me

Its not only relative to the power generated, the problem/engine miss is caused by the amount of exhaust back pressure at the valves. This is the reason why a better/stronger valve spring eliminates the problem. Its that basic. :(



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that's great Da Hulk, I'm glad you like the outcome. I think you did the right thing painting the covers & plenum acid rush to match the exterior - looks tough.

I have not encountered the valve spring problem yet, but there is a fair bit of thrashing going on so I will keep my eye on it.

I am very happy with my stage II ute. although I need a new set of Dunlop SP 9000's on the back after 6000km - ouch(they are bloody dear)

I am thinking of going to a wider/taller tyre to get better traction, as It does tend to skip out quite badly at the top of 1st & into 2nd gear now.

As far as the "advertised" output of 350 fwkw stage II kit is concerned, mine made 270rwkw at tilbrooks & 288rwkw at the All Ford Show, but the

real figure is 113.6 mph at the drags(on a 12.63)

With 1800kg inc hard cover + 100kg driver & fuel(conservative!) that's

4100 pounds. 4100 pounds & 113.6 mph = 470hp or 350kw

The bonus is the huge amount of mid range torque & bottom end throttle response. Also, due to the plumbing changes, the inlet temps are much lower than std, so even on a hot day in Adelaide, it performs very well.

I dont think I will do anything else to mine(even the std exhaust can stay)

I love it just as it is. Go XR6Ts

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Yes it was,not a happy camper was expecting better but my gearbox is sliping all gears its getting fixed next week and wanted to get a before and after times :smilielol:

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Yes it was,not a happy camper was expecting better but my gearbox is sliping all gears its getting fixed next week and wanted to get a before and after times :thumbsup:

What are you getting done to the box and what times and mph did you get?

Geea :k24t:

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  • Faster than any BTA,XTC,Autotech, Nizpro and Tunehouse car
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What are you getting done to the box and what times and mph did you get?

Geea :censored:

Geea the gearbox is getting replaced my time was 13.5 at just under 108 mph I tryed taking off the pipe from the air intake to the front of the turbo to get quicker and more air in but all I think I did was get more hot in which I wont be doing again :ta:

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