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Nizpro Stage 2 Kit


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Guest xrtwpn
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Look around there are better things around I had a stage 2 kit and had to change it all cause I found out most of it was usless later on

Id suggest the APS cooler over the nizpro but if you want to spend the money go for a garrett cooler

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  • Toughest BA Turbo
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Look around there are better things around I had a stage 2 kit and had to change it all cause I found out most of it was usless later on

Id suggest the APS cooler over the nizpro but if you want to spend the money go for a garrett cooler


Adam, your focus is drag racing, and probably very different to most people.

There are guys out there such as Boost6, BADXR6, and XLNT6 etc that are pushing the base Cobra kit very hard, and who appear very happy with results, and are pushing around 400rwkw (after strengthening internals).

It comes back to want you want.

You can either go you own way, or buy a kit such as Nizpro or APS.

300rwkw is now not that hard to get to these days ... 18 months ago it was a major feat.

The Nizpro manifold and overall rerouted piping is very effective, which is why I went that way 18 months ago.

IMHO, if you want 300rwkw, you should use an aftermarket IC.

Some of the guys that are using the APS IC are happy with it. You just need some special piping, although I've never been a fan of running the post IC piping over the exhaust. I use an APS IC in my STi.

If you already have the NizEdit and injectors see what sort of a deal you can get from Simon.

Good luck.


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Mate, consider the new PWR intercooler (single pass). It worked a treat on my ute - there is no need for manifolds or even changing the piping. I don't have my valve springs done yet and I have hit the magic (to me anyway) 300 mark.

Long live the Xede! :Imwifhim:

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Hi guys,

My apologies to Flukeyluke and Jordak, I was asked for dyno results for my Nizpro stage 1, while cutting into Luke's thread with his great hpf power hike, that I thought I'll tell you my story with the "Edit'd-Nizpro Stage 1".

(ie Nizedit+Nizpro valve springs+Nizpro fuel injectors).

Simon (Nizpro) had my car for the whole day, it went in with 186rwkw and I picked it up with 265rwkw (well, there was a run after the dyno graphs were printed, and Simon managed a 266rwkw, but what's a 1kw).

So what's it like?

F*n awesome!!!!

This is how the car should have been. Drive it normal and it feels stock, get it after 3500rpm and the boost comes on hard, but smooth, while the front end lifts and things get fast very quickly. The only time the boost feels like it used to, is from 2200-3200prm, from there its a different story.

Let go off the 'go' pedal, and you are rewarded with a nice 'sneeze' after the turbo is 'hissing' at you. You cant believe it is the same car...

I must mention the top quality work of Nizpro's Simon and Dave, and it talks when I drive the car. The mod feels like it came from the factory, and really it just shows the full potential of the stockish T. Definitely the best 'bang for your buck', and to whoever that is thinking of going this way, do it, you wont regret it, as a few here can confirm.


Now for a couple of pics and then my dyno graph...

My car about to do a stock run of 186rwkw

A rear shot

Simon about to start the tuning...

And finally as requested, my dyno results...





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A 60+ rwklw increase in the mid range you gotta be bloody happy about that :crybaby:

CYA JEFF :laughing:

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A 60+ rwklw increase in the mid range you gotta be bloody happy about that :nono:

CYA JEFF :pinch:


Yes very impressive, thanks for sharing your results :fool:

Just from interest what sought of boost are you running to get the power on nice and early?

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I think you should get the car down to calder and have a run agaist Flukeyluke and see what the differance is

Thanks all,

Sounds good Adam, the only problem is I'm over 700k's away :fool: . But I will take it to AIR and see what happens.

I am rapt with the midrange, and that's the main spot Simon highlighted the most, that Edit not only improves the end power, but its the midrange which speaks for its self.

Jordak, I'll find some boost graphs for you, and post them. :pinch:


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I think you should get the car down to calder and have a run agaist Flukeyluke and see what the differance is

There's an idea :pinch:

Peter, great result with your car. Its worth the effort isnt it.

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