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Nizpro Stage 2 Kit


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Hi Guys,

I went to Calder last night and Nizpro's stage ute ran 11.86@120mph, I'm not sure what the 60ft time but all of the runs were almost identical. There was another ute at Calder fitted with an APS phase 2 but I'm not sure what time was done.


whats involved in nizpro stage 2??.... was it auto or manual??? good work nizpro :crybaby:

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that's a great time. It would be interesting to know the 60' time and also have track time and mph. Was traction an issue and what sort of street tyres were used.

It won't be long before quite a few of the quicker "T's" are in the 11's. Dean would have been there yesterday if it had of been cooler. Hopefully Dean can crack an 11 on Friday. <_<

Geea. :w00t2:

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Guest fredwho
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Hi Guys,

I went to Calder last night and Nizpro's stage ute ran 11.86@120mph, I'm not sure what the 60ft time but all of the runs were almost identical. There was another ute at Calder fitted with an APS phase 2 but I'm not sure what time was done.



Correct me if im wrong, but the bob jane tyres ute ran high 12s low 13s.

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Great Effort Nizpro, well done.

I would also be interested in what tyres etc were used, if that was on Real sreet tyres, in a ute, that's smokin :msm:

Hey Geea, you have some catchin up to now boy, no excuses either, spend some more money and make it go faster, :msm:

Again, top work Nizpro,

FAST T's is what its all about.

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  • loitering with intent
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I think it is fair to say that from this point on , a time is just that , a time.

The days of std street this, and street that ,no longer hold any credibility , it is by definition far too open to interpretation

Racing tyres , high octane fuel etc etc etc , deem the whole issue as redundant.

It now comes down too who is the fastest ..........outright , then there is then no room for argument :spoton:

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Guest rexsti
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I hear that Nizpro are having another demonstation of the 1200hp T :pooh: this Friday night from 7pm. The details are on their web site and they would like people to fill in a confirmation form to get an idea on numbers.

Don't miss this if you are in Melbourne as it really is an amazing site.

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