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FGX XR6 Turbo PS leak, also read diff leak?


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Hi all. Have noticed power steering fluid leaking onto the ground from the passenger rubber boot. Not much, maybe a drop every two days. Haven’t lost a noticeable amount of fluid, not even enough to top up the reservoir. I’m considering replacing the boot but that will only mask the leak. Is it possible to replace the seal, which I’m assuming is failing here? Or can only the whole rack be replaced. Drivers side appears fine. Have noticed there’s a power steering whine, not sure if it’s possibly bringing in air through this leak too?


Have also noticed near the rear diff at the end of the drive shaft I believe, it appears there’s something leaking but must only be at high revs, nothing noticed on the ground, only picked up on it when I was under the car. Looks like it’s leaking out when spinning?




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I'd push back the two rubber boots for your steering and compare the non-leaking to the leaking side and go from there with regard to which seal is leaking etc. and yeah, if there's an obvious way for air to enter the system, the steering can get the symptoms you speak of.


not sure what the back-end leak is that's spraying only upwards... are you the first owner?

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Hasn’t caused any issues yet so I’m not too fussed haha


4 hours ago, k31th said:
I'd push back the two rubber boots for your steering and compare the non-leaking to the leaking side and go from there with regard to which seal is leaking etc. and yeah, if there's an obvious way for air to enter the system, the steering can get the symptoms you speak of.
not sure what the back-end leak is that's spraying only upwards... are you the first owner?

Yeah I’ll give pushing the boots back a go. hoping they don’t perish when I do..

Are the seals something that can be purchased or are they a generic part perhaps?

The back end leak I would imagine only happens at high speed so would be leaking on the ground but only at highway speeds.

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