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Car will not boost properly after tune, We are stumped


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Ehh, just loose change, not my main project. Pump most of my cash into housing renos and developments. have lot of other cars too, this ones bug was just annoying me, just glad to have it sorted.

Only reason I have the coon mobil is becuase it makes easy power relatively reliablelay. Suits the way I drive, had fast jap and euro stuff but bits break so easy whenever you try to push any sort of decent power.

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On 11/7/2019 at 10:44 PM, Admin (as if) said:

id hate to know how much money you have wasted

Who cares how much he spent . there is no such thing as wasting money as everything cost money. What people spend there money on has nothing to do with you. You must be jealous  people have money to do things with? 

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On 20/08/2019 at 3:17 PM, Ex chaser said:

Who cares how much he spent . there is no such thing as wasting money as everything cost money. What people spend there money on has nothing to do with you. You must be jealous  people have money to do things with? 

Freaky only cares about other peoples money coz he doesnt want you to end up broke like him.  It's coz he cares. You should thank him for his insightful advice.


On 11/07/2019 at 12:27 AM, MK2FG said:

Update: All fixed, chaned HP tuner boost sensor volts range from 0-5v and now it holds boost perfect at 15ps

Even though the ford tMAP is a 5v sensor. Ford have it set to 4.85v in the tune.  I guess this to ensure if there is a fault that the car is able to detect an overboost and protect works correctly.  I found that at anything over 16psi would cause error conditions( either overboost or underboost) to occur and cause a rip saw between the two.  It seems that it is a common thing done by tuners to set this to 5v which allows to ignore the upper limit of the sensor and ensure that the full measure can be used.  Even though it's the standard fix, good luck finding much on it :), seems to be a trade secret.

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