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Boost leak after installing turbo-side induction, why?


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UPDATE: For the people that still actually care lol


The breakthrough came when disconnecting the boost control solenoid, scanning the car with a scanner for errors with a snap-on scanner and then re-connecting the boost controller, however, because nothing in this story has ever been easy, the fix worked for about 5 minutes and then we were back to square one.

The hypothesis is now that the car's computer is engaging some kind of safety feature that is preventing the car from achieving maximum boost, removing the boost solenoid and scanning the car for errors appears to have reset something in the computer, but as I said above, it was short-lived.

Now that we know how to fix the issue, obviously we now have to find out why.

And before someone pipes up and says that it's clearly an ECU problem, the ECU was scanned by Ford themselves and they couldn't find anything wrong with it, the boost solenoid itself has also been checked and it's operating as it should.

Following this somewhat of a breakthrough my mechanic rang the bloke's at NizPro in Melbourne, after a conversation that lasted about 45 minutes the consensus was that NizPro had absolutely no idea what the issue was and the only thing they could recommend was to try things that we have already tried, they also ruled out any possibility that a tune would fix the issue as it's been described, so all of those people have been saying that I should have just taken it to a professional tuner in Melbourne are wrong, and they're not my words, they're the words of NizPro in Bayswater who are, you guessed it, professional tuners that deal specifically in performance Fords.

Over the next week, we're going to be going over some of the things we've already tried and see if we've missed anything but at this point where almost in the exact same boat we were 8 weeks ago, but at least now we know what it's not.


I also feel like I probably need to address some of the comments that have been left after my last update.

Firstly I'll address the claim that 'a professional tuner like NizPro would have had it diagnosed within an hour': As I said above, we actually contacted Nizpro and they essentially said that they would conduct pretty much the exact same style of testing that my mechanic has conducted, they also went on to say that they had never in the entire history of the time they have been doing Ford Performance tuning have ever heard of a problem this extensive, they went on to admit that taking the car all the way down to Bayswater so that they could personally look over it would probably be a waste of time considering they would only perform the same checks we have already performed, and this is coming from a professional car tuner that more than a few people on this thread have recommended.

To the accusation that the mechanic 'caused the problem and they don't know how to fix it',  very simply I will say this, everything was working perfectly fine before the turbo side induction kit was fitted, nothing else on the vehicle aside from the piping leading in and out of the turbo and the kit I supplied was touched, and it was actually my mechanic who originally alerted me that the car now had an issue, so I'm not entirely sure what he would have been able to do to cause this issue, especially considering that I have not paid him a single cent in labour or parts to this point and I have been guaranteed that when the bill does eventually come it's not going to reflect the work that has actually been done on the vehicle.

To the photo comment left from Arronm, the turbo has been completely taken off, thoroughly checked inside and out to the point where the core has actually been removed and there were no issues, in fact, it was described to me that the shaft play in the turbo was so negligible that I will probably get at least another 100,000 km out of the current turbo, this is a car that has done over 200,000 km.

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And go where? To a professional tuner that deals fairly exclusively in performance forwards? Someone like...say...NizPro?...Oh, wait.


I was in the room when they were having the conversation, the bloke at nizpro pretty much admitted that they would do exactly the same testing that my mechanic has already done, the only benefit they would have is that they have a dyno machine and he doesn't, but what use is a dyno machine if the car isn't running properly in the first place?


Everybody that's saying that I would have been better off going to a specialist in the first place has absolutely no idea what they're talking about sorry.

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I have seen this once in all my time tuning Turbo falcons now that you’ve gone further into detail


This was very unique and extremely frustrating to fix.... 


This was on a very early 2002 BA XT that was turbocharged with a full XR6T donor vehicle so it retained everything from a XR6T BA 


I have a unique way of fixing it but it 100% requires a Tune or Ford IDS factory tuning software, A Dyno and Time 


catch is it can come back out of nowhere but because I know how to fix it it’s no issues, the shortest period of time it was fixed was a full 18 months so not like it’s every other day but sporadically did come back...... I think the customer stuffed with it but he denied it so I have to assume it did flip out again 


I’m not going to tell you how to fix it, sorry I really am but you’re being a bit of a Jerk and haven’t donated a single cent to the forum so sharpen up and understand that the combined knowledge on this forum way out exceeds your mechanics ability....

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I'm being a jerk? 😂😂😂


Why the hell would I donate to a forum full of people telling me the my mechanic is wrong and that I should have just gone to an "expert" in the first place when I went to an expert after the fact and they pretty much just confirmed that they would have just done everything that we've already done.


You're all a bunch of absolute flogs, I'll be removing this post as soon as I can get back to my computer, don't think I'll be ever posting on this forum again either.


Thanks for nothing all

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By the way Nizzy would have sorted it by process of elimination and I guarantee it due to them having the ability. Over the phone is vastly different to having a vehicle to play with 


that’s a hint and that’s all you're getting princess ;) 


on the up side your knuckle dragger is getting closer 😘

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look @DoubleCee33, you've got great help for an issue that's hard to diagnose on this forum... that's fact #1... fact #2 is that you're using the same information yourself and the mechanic have been able to surmise this whole time, with us trying to help based on your descriptions... fact #3 is that nizzy had to go from what you've said, we've said and what your mechanic said on the phone to diagnose it when a strange thing like this usually requires the vehicle in person to actually diagnose it (based on what you've recently said), so the stuff on the phone may lead nizzy in a different direction to what they would in person... so I think you using the phone call with nizzy as infallible evidence here has got people a little offside. No big deal, imho.

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