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Low Beam Issues -- Passanger Side Only


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  • Member For: 8y 3m 15d

Hey Guys and Gals,


Been a long time since I was on this website since before tonight... A lot of sh*t has happened since then ๐Ÿ˜„

Right now though, I am looking to solve an issue that I am having with the ute.

I have been having an issue with the passanger side low beam (only) not working. A little time ago, I replaced the bulbs with 55/60 blue and the low beam worked (from memory) but the plug on that side, was partly melted -=- Apparently due to someone using too high a wattage bulb (or so I read).

Given my current situation, I am neatening the big girl up and try to get her tip top. This is one of the issues I would like to get sorted.

What I Have Done:

Thursday -- Replaced passager plug (H4 replacement plug from Bursons) with those shrink/solder/seal joiners joining the wires.

Today -- Replaced the bulbs with normal 55/60w (normal being not blue)


Effect -- nada ๐Ÿ˜„


High beams work and driver's side low beam works a treat.

It is looking like there is a wiring issue a little further back.... I was hoping not.

Anyone ran in to this issue with theirs and have a solution??

Cheers millions in advance.

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  • Member For: 8y 3m 15d

UPDATE -- Went over a bump and now the passanger side low beam is shining BRIGHT ๐Ÿ˜„

Good thing -- It is currently getting power and I didnt mess up the plug replacement.

Bad thing -- That'll make it damn hard to fine the looseness in the circuit ๐Ÿ˜„

Anyone know where there are joins/connections I can manually check to see how they look?? A multi wont do squat to help while it actually works ๐Ÿ˜„

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