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Noob fight for 400rkwk


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  • Member For: 6y 1d

Hey guys. Second time posting. And I've got  a bit of a newbie question.

I've been gathering parts for my FG Turbo to gain performance. Let me know if you think they should get me passed the 350+kw mark. Cheers

Walbro 525, 1000cc injectors, turbo side intake, battery relocation, HDI intercooler kit, 4" turbo back ultrex performance exhaust, crow cam valve springs, 1000hp rated tailshaft and extreme heavy duty clutch (manuel) .. standard turbo and engine unopened. The parts are sitting around waiting to be bolted on, just waiting for a few extra things to turn up and then go time. I am thinking about converting to e85 also.. but What does everyone think it'll run on 98? 



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  • XR50T
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  • Member For: 11y 9m 26d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Western Sydney

What turbo?
Stock fg won't pass 350 on e85 but will be super responsive.

Throw a g2 gtx3582 in it.

Definately add and aftermarket oil pump gear or full assembly if you can stretch it.
If you want to drive it hard a lot think about the atomic timing set and head studs to give you a bit more room for power.

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  • Member For: 6y 9m 18d

Mates fg makes 450 hp on 98, but had to change turbine wheels.

For you to get your aim easxily you might want to look at a newer gen turbo, as mentioned a gtx v2 3582 will easily fit the bill.

if you have standard actuator on turbo, bin it for something around 12psi or more.

you will need to port the exhaust flap to, or go external gate


Yeah if your doing valve springs, the cams are already out so put in some head studs.


Dont forget to run additional power to your pump if its going in-tank, those walbros will use up to around 22 amps.

You may be better of using stock fuel pump as a list pump and using the high performance pump in a surge tank.


go flex fuel if you in an area with an e85 pump, if you in WA id say forget it, just not worth the hastel with only 4 e85 pumps.




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