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Darren Lockyer


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The Macka view.

Poor old Darren. Thought he had heard a good joke that he could pass on and get a few laughs.

Probably does not get too many.

Just a simple mistake.

Not a big deal.

If this is the best that can be done for front pages and lead stories...................

God help us........ :ta:

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I personally Hate The broncos and who ever plays for them ;), but Lockyer got crusified over what I would say was nothing. He even appoligised about 5 minutes after making, what I thought was a witty comment (which was doing the email rounds days before hand). He just said what the average joe would've said at the pub. Oh well, typical media blowing everything out of proportion. Take a look at the current "leadership" crap with the Liberals. Oh well..

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  • My new toy
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The Bulldogs f@#ked up not Darren. Go the Broncos!

I agree lets go bronco's.

DL should be applauled for saying what he feels it is still a free country we live in and the media should be hang for the lies and s$$t they tell.

Ian :sleepystuff:

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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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The Bulldogs f@#ked up not Darren.  Go the Broncos!

I agree lets go bronco's.

DL should be applauled for saying what he feels it is still a free country we live in and the media should be hang for the lies and s$$t they tell.

Ian :smilielol:

Bugger! :angry:

I think I've got to agree with you Ian ... :sleepystuff:

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I think it's obvious that DL couldn't have been responible for that joke, the whole bronco team couldn't be that witty given a decade. If the dogs/storm did this then they've been in to many head high tackles. With the ludicrous salaries they receive they needn't resort to this. By & large footballers of any code are of limited social skills & as already stated anytime a professional sportperson opens their mouth, sh*t is sure to flow. The fact that the media run faster than Marion Jones to tell us of such events the week after they've been suckin off said big mouth for an exclusive or free tickets shows what Journalistic types are made of.

So what should happen to DL? Just be reminded of his statement & the reaction to it daily for the next decade.


Yeah Scotty I reckon you're right. Here's a case in point about the intelligence of footballers:

Gus Gould goes to QLD for a meeting with Wayne Bennet. After the meeting, Wayne says to Gus, "Well Gus, I don't know what you think of your players, but mine are all bright and brilliant." "

How do you know?" asks Gus. "Oh well, it's simple", says Wayne. "They all have to take special tests before they can play here. Just watch this."

He calls Gordon Tallis over and asks him, "Tell me Gordy, who is the child of your father and of your mother who is not your brother and is not your sister?" "Ah, that's simple Wayne", says Gordy, "it's me!"

"Well done Gordy", says Wayne, and Gus is very impressed.

Gus returns to NSW and wonders about the intelligence of the team.

He calls in Andrew Johns and asks, "Joey, tell me, who is the child of your father and of your mother who is not your brother and is not your sister?"

Joey thinks and thinks and doesn't know the answer. "Can I think about it a bit more Gus, and I'll give you the answer tomorrow?" "Of course," says Gus, "you've got 24 hours."

Joey goes away, thinks as hard as he can, calls in his team-mates but no-one knows the answer. 20 hours later, Joey is very worried - still no answer and only 4 hours to go. Eventually he says "I know, I'll ring Brad Fittler, he's clever, he'll know the answer."

He calls Brad. "Freddie," he says, "tell me who is the child of your father and of your mother who is not your brother and is not your sister?"

"Very simple", says Brad, "it's me!" "Of course", says Joey and rings Gus. "Gus", says Joey, "I've got the answer - it's Brad Fittler".

"No, you idiot", says Gus, "it's Gordon Tallis."

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