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Headphone Magic


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omfg just watched that barber video with my eyes closed, fkn got tingles down my spine hahah


but I never used to care that much about audio, ive got some old logitech 2.1 with sub speakers for when I pc gamem/music/you tube, but now I use headphones when gaming so I dont pee off the mrs and baby.


definitely appreciate sound quality more than ever, even my corolla got a speaker upgrade, I prefer crystal clear sound over sheer volume now. 


although high end headphones are not for me cause poor, im more intrigued with this ear thing now haha. 

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On 08/02/2019 at 6:39 PM, Rab said:

All up over $20k


Most will be recouped when I thin out the herd.


Probably about $8k worth will be kept.

Could settle quite happily  for a single setup if I had to with a $1k budget

Just realised I meant to reply to this. Fair enough. Was just curious to see how it compared with what I've spent on audio gear. Turns out I've spent just shy of $12k for my current setup (speakers, amp and sub)...but the system as a whole retailed for $35k. So I reckon I've done alright haha. Still be a sickening amount of money for most people to have spent on HiFi gear though, I can appreciate.

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  • WOT?
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1 minute ago, .Stripes. said:

but the system as a whole retailed for $35k


Yeah - am the same - have NFI how much I've actually spent, but did an "online shop" at https://addictedtoaudio.com.au/ and put all the ingredients into the cart for a ballpark figure. Rounded down heavily to get to the $20k to reflect close to my actual costs.


4 minutes ago, .Stripes. said:

Still be a sickening amount of money


That's what gave me a huge shock when I did the figures and got me talking about the gear. 

Mine was over over about 15 years though, so while there were some $K spends there, they were spread out


13 minutes ago, .Stripes. said:

Still be a sickening amount of money for most people to have spent on HiFi gear though


And chicken sh#t amount compared to what "serious" rich karnts will spend


Hell - they'll actually buy a power cable that costs many multiples of your systems RRP


One thing I have noticed though - it costs exponentially more each time you want to go up a level :S

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How do you find them? - use the surround?


As soon as you turn on the surround stuff, you're pretty much on a level playing field with my gear as far as it goes.


The barber shop clip, game surround audio, virtual surround etc it's the tech and how it works with your head/ears/brain that makes the most difference, not the actual headphones on your head.


Unless you have RGB on your headphones of course - that's a definite game changer

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im just gaming with some logitec stuff. nothing fancy. my 2 year ruins everything anyways so I dont see the point getting anything good yet. 


not crystal clear but does the job. not really for music. 

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  • WOT?
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That was where I started.


2yo in the house, only chance I got to do anything was once he'd gone to bed.


Meant zero volume - so I got a set of headphones.


Before too long I was preferring wearing and listening through them compared to using the computer speakers.


I thought I was strange.


Til I looked at forums etc and found...



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