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Engine Oil Issue - HELP!


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Hi All, 


I have a problem and can't figure it out. I recently purchased a low km 2014 FG MK2 XR6T and took it a local mechanic to do an oil change - I couldn't get under there at the moment. The car was drained on a hoist and refilled with 6.8L. I checked the dipstick after I picked it up and it is over the full mark by half an inch or so. So it went back up on the hoist, he drained it again measured it and put 6.8 back in. Over again. So we thought the only thing it could be is the dipstick is the wrong one. By all accounts, the mechanic is a good bloke and knows what he is doing.


I checked the dipstick and the part number is BR29-6750 so off to Ford I go. The spare parts kid tells me the number should be BR2Z-6750, I am annoyed, but at least I have a solution. So I order the new dipstick. I look at the package and sure enough, the package has BR2Z-6750 on the outside - all good. I drive home to put it in (the xr6T sits in the garage and only comes out on weekends).  I thought I should check the part number the part number on the actual dipstick is.........BR29-6750!!!! 


Now I am thinking this is too much of a coincidence? Does anyone have any advice? Or perhaps even check theirs if they have an FG? 

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15 hours ago, skidxr6t said:

hmmm when you were thinking about which dipstick to replace looks like you replaced the wrong one

I am not sure what you mean? 

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Thanks Rab - took it to a local mechanic, so I would hope so otherwise I will be looking for a new mechanic. I just don’t have time to do it myself. 


I went back into ford today and they are ordering a new one so hopefully that wil settle it. I will also find one in a wreckers over the weekend as I am in Sydney and will measure the length. 


I am in country NSW so there aren’t any locally. 

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Hi Gents, 


First up I wanted to say a big thank you for your help and advice. It is this sense of community that makes this such a great place to share a passion. 


Just an update. Long story short. The mechanic is lazy at best, incompetent and a liar at worst. In summary, he put in 6.8L and didn't check the dipstick. When I did and took it back to him, he didn't have the integrity to say he didn't check and started to point the finger at anything other than himself. I didn't have any reason not to believe him and like I said before seemed like a good guy. And I am far too trusting I guess.


I dropped the oil and put in a new filter and it took a margin over 6 and a bit. 


It was overfilled by about 0.8L if I had to guess. I only drove it for 500kms and no oil light went on, there are no oil leaks, not blowing any smoke so I might be OK (lucky).

I just should have done it myself to start with. But working full time, doing a course full time, renovations and a 2 year and a newborn - it just seemed like an easier option at the time. 


Lesson learnt. 

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The manual says;


Oil change with filter is 6.8.L.

Oil change without filter is 5.8L.


Maybe he just didn't replace the filter or prefilled the new one? For some piece of mind you could just replace the filter yourself, if you didn't already, and top up the oil again afterwards.

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