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G6E Comfort ride with Stance


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Hopefully its OK to post this question in this section as its the G6E I'm specifically asking about.


Has anyone achieved the holy grail of a nice low stance without messing up the ride quality of the G6E? I am interested in owners past and present experience and setups and what they would and wouldn't do again. This is not a track car, its a very quick streeter that needs a better Stance but this is the second one I have owned, I did King SSL and SSSL on factory 18s in the last one and sure it looked and handled better but it lost a lot of the comfort... maybe needed shocks replaced too?

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well, just lowering the car with only springs and then expecting a comfort ride to be retained is a foolhardy adventure...


if you speak to a suspension shop, they should be able to match up some shocks to your selected springs for rebound/dampening that makes it still feel "doughy" as G6E's do.  You can definitely retain comfort with 18's, if you're lowering on those. 20's is a different kettle of fish for comfort, but is do-able to an extent.

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I have a 2008 G6E, Lowered on superlows with Bilstein shocks rolling on 20 inch Koya's.


It still rides nicely especially given the wheel size. only gripe I have is the camber wears the inners out on the front tyres prematurely. but it looks nice, handles well and is heaps comfortable. I have done 30 hour trips solid in it and it has remained comfy.


Utes however are a different kettle of fish. I have put 3 different setups in my 2012 FPV GS and it still rides like a bulldozer on a landmine... love that beast but I cringe at driving it on the rural roads around where I live.

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only pic I can find of the FPV at the minute. This is it in the poor man's Winnebago mode...


rear end of G6E was sitting up due to the airbags at rear. I had just towed so they were pumped up a bit.

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Its hard to see. But at the front I have a wheel grab built for the front of the tray so I can carry my toys with me as I go from job to job. It prevents any headboard unless I want to weld one into a headboard but it will take up a lot of space.


I have a bike trailer now so not using the ute for bikes. I'll take the wheel grab off and probably end up rebuilding the tray and change it up a bit. New taillight setup, headboard, respray etc.... I have had my eye on some new wheels too!!.




Edited by treay81
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