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ZF Lurch?


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  • Member For: 6y 2m 23d

Hey all,


Had a quick and probably easy question for you guys in the know. I've started noticing my car (mk2 g6et) lurching a little bit when I am just about to come to a stop.


I've read a few things about the "zf lurch" which is pretty normal but I've seen a few different definitions of the lurch.


The lurch I experience seems to happen once the car reaches 5km/h while decelerating, occasionally it can lurch a bit higher up (maybe around 20km/h instead of 5km/h). I originally thought it was when the car was shifting back to first, but I played around with it a little and noticed that it still occurs when I have already shifted back to first (to test I shifted back to first at like 15km/h and then it still lurched at 5km/h).


What I'm wondering is does my issue sound like the normal "zf lurch" or does the ZF Lurch specifically refer to the lurch from 2nd to 1st?

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my 09 xr6T began to do this after buying it in 2010. ford sent out a zf tech who uploaded a new zf tune and it fixed it. mine was lurching going from 2nd to 1st when coming to a stop in auto mode.


are you sure your car was actually in 1st when you manually shifted? because if I shift to 1st manually coming to a stop it doesn't do it. only in auto mode.


a ford tuner can fix this in a zf tune I believe. or if your car is stock you can try ford to see if they have a recent tune they can reflash your whole car inc auto. I havent tried the latter yet.  

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  • Member For: 6y 2m 23d

I've actually come to realise lurch wouldn't be the right word for what mine is doing.. it feels like the car has been put into neutral at around 5km/h so I'm guessing maybe the torque converter is disengaging then or something (unless that's what everyone means by lurch). it is tuned but maybe they don't see it as an issue so don't tune that bit out. Might ask next time I get it tuned. When manually shifting, it does show 1 on the cluster so I'm assuming it's in 1st..

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