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Turbosmart wastegate issues(over boost)


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My original wastgate took a sh*t so I've picked up a new 12psi turbosmart wastegate the once specifically designed for the barras, it's a ba, stock turbo, has been tuned to 10 psi and its about to go and get 1000cc injectors fitted and a retune but I've just finished putting the new wastegate on and I think I've set the pre load correctly where it was about 1-2mm pulled shut to ensure it won't leak but on the drive just before it instantly jumped to 15psi and that's when I let off? What's the go I've confirmed the wastegate works with an air compressor and it snaps. Open and shut perfectly, only thing I think it could be is the pre load? Should I have fitted it so the wastegate flapper moves ever so slightly or?? Any help. Would be appreciated 

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  • Puff
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The car still thinks it's got a stock wg with 5psi or whatever and you've added another 7psi worth of spring to it. 


It'll probably run 17 psi now if it doesn't have a boost cut tuned into it.


You'll just have to keep it off boost or under 10psi at least until it's tuned.


If you flog it it'll probably break. 


Edit: it sounds like you installed and set it up properly. 

Edited by Puffwagon
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  • Puff
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Either way it's got a 10psi setting in it whether by ecu, bleed valve or magic pixie dust and you've added about 7psi to it.


Consider the wg spring as the base pressure and any other boost control is added to that.

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Alright that makes some sense, it was originally the factory wastegate with a turbo smart boost T to bleed it to 10psi, boost T has been removed and the boost line is connected on the nipple of the turbo straight to the new wastegate, I just figured it woulda opened at 12

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  • Puff
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It jumped to 15 with no other boost control?


Although they say to add a couple of mm preload you should do some testing to make sure it isn't spiking which it seems it did.


If there was no other boost control then back the preload off until it doesn't spike. You might find that it only wants a teeny tiny bit.


Other parts of the intake and exhaust can influence how much preload you'll need so it'll be different vehicle to vehicle. Sometimes you want more and sometimes you want less. It'll vary according to what gear you're in too as it'll have more or less time to react. You need to have a play with it and if possible log the boost so you can see whether there is a spike. Of course you can do it by watching the boost gauge as well but be safe with it. It's good to have a mate to help tune this kind of stuff.

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Yeah I think it may just be too tight, il I <3 Bananas around and pull the entire exhaust side off again tomorrow and adjust the pre load to the point where I'm able to rotate the flapper when it's "shut", but yes boost spiked to 15-17 straight away I backed off as quick as I could when I seen it go above ten 

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  • Puff
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Have you ported the wg? 


Even when mine was ported it'd still make 10psi up top with the wg actuator disconnected.


If you have access to a compressor with a regulator you can frig around with it so it's half open or whatever at 12psi.


I'm sure you'll work it out anyway.


Let us know how you get on. 


Also you should be able to adjust it without removing the hotside. It's a pita but it can be done. Just remove your dump pipe. 

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  • Puff
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50 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

Even when mine was ported it'd still make 10psi up top with the wg actuator disconnected.

I meant the actuator rod was disconnected, just to clarify. Lol I wouldn't want anyone disconnecting their vacuum hose.

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