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boost solenoid fail?


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  • Member For: 6y 7m 20d

yup, bought new 4mm vacuum hose yesterday and tested all so confident its not that, did this before I went for the run with the multimeter, and checked both actuators with the new hose and could still keep blowing through the current one on the car.

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  • Puff
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It's possible that the actuator was in the process of failing and has since failed but that still doesn't account for it overboosting when the solenoid is plugged in.


Is there some tune related stuff going on?

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  • Member For: 6y 7m 20d

that is really the only other thing I can think of, am still going to change out the actuator starting later today, hopefully should be able to do it without removing the first part of the exhaust but if I have to then so be it, once all done will see how it goes, if still doing the same thing then off to Ford to get the ecu returned to stock, I think this will be about the 150 mark, funny though as plan was to put the motor in this car, get it all running then upgrade to better hp then pull out and in the xf it goes, lock stock and barrel, thinking now I know a bit more once I get this sorted and running good will onsell and look for a later model motor, box and wiring combo for the project.

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  • Puff
  • Gold Donating Members
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If you've got stock parts then that'll be fine.


If you can find someone near you then it'll cost nothing to do a read with hp tuners and find out if the tune is stock or not.

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  • Member For: 6y 7m 20d

and all was going swimmingly well, shields and piping out, exhaust out, undoing studs on dump pipe and snap goes a stud, sigh, draining the radiator and taking a moment to vent before pulling the entire unit out.....slightly bigger job than anticipated, however on the bright side I have hear that a good idea is to port the wastegate so might look into that while the unit is benched. Any other ideas out there feel free to let me know.

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  • Member For: 6y 7m 20d

ok , quick update, turbo is now benched, going to replace all the studs to the dump pipe as they look pretty shoddy, definitely shot wastegate actuator, had to put 20psi through it before it operated the flap and a pretty fresh breeze was blowing through the centre where the rod comes out the entire time. took some pics but can not paste.

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