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Clutch whirring/smelling up incline on launch


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  • Member For: 17y 5m 27d
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Hey guys,


Just wondering if anyone would know why my clutch would be making a whirring noise when launching in first gear, or even in reverse, followed by a bad clutch smell.. ?


Car drive perfectly fine otherwise, and clutch holds fine under boost.


There just seems to be an issue when im launching up hill or reversing up an incline, etc. I'm not riding the clutch or anything, literally just feels like the clutch can't engage properly as soon as there is a hill or incline that I'm driving up..



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mal wood do a metal replacement :) The crappy plastic one is no good. Also, while you're at it, get a remote bleeder line as it'll make maintaining your clutch fluid much easier :spoton:

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Thanks Keith, it has a remoter bleeder and apparently already has a mal wood twin plate upgraded clutch... I can confirm the remote bleeder as I used it to bleed my clutch fluid a few months back.


If it has the remote bleeder im sure it is the metal CSC as part of the mal wood kit.


I will order a CSC and take it to the shop to inspect.


Is there anything else I should order/replace if im changing the CSC? Spigot, thrust bearing or anything?

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hmm, yeah, it probably does have a metal one already... haven't heard of one of those causing problems, so I'd guess you'll just need to pull the box out to inspect the situation of the clutch/csc etc. You can take a quick peek in the bleeder hole to see if you can see anything aligned or moving when it shouldn't.


but yeah, while the box is out, always replace the input shaft thrust bearing (the part where it pushes into the crank). The rest is just a matter of doing the work.

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I had an alloy csc fail.   It can happen.   Use an inspection USB camera to check the clutch internals

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  • Member For: 17y 5m 27d
  • Location: Richmond, Melbourne

guys this is just a quick shot of under my car.. is the bellhousing meant to not line up properly and have holes in the side there?



Edited by Christiaan
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