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BA Fairlane Turbo!


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  • Puff
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Replacing valve guide seals doesn't do anything for valve stem width and valve guide wear. If it's blowing smoke on start up the head could still be worn.


Haha would have to measure the exact amount but at a guess it's about a litre.


It could well be burning it from the rear breather. Have you got a catch can in there? Sorry it's dinner, on mobile and cbf re reading the thread :snack:

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Initially they were done thinking it was a valve stem seal issue that was causing problems..


Burning from the rear breather? I replaced the rear PVC a few weeks ago when I put the FG turbo hoses on.. No catch can - just a stock..


If ya dont mind maybe some time when ya free would ya shot me a inbox maybe with ya digits and have a quick chat, prob easier than over a forum.. This thing really does wreck the passion!

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  • Puff
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Yeah man I'll pm you when the beer is flowing less freely.


When you get more power it sends more oil to the back of the head, and will burn it on decel, straight after a wot run, cos of the high vacuum at that point of the drive cycle.

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The crappy part living 500km from my tuner is, if I could I'd drop it off to them to do a leak down test on and some investigation.. I dont know what kit to buy and would rather just pay them for their experience and knowing how to read/understand results and dig deeper.. This sh*t issue really does take enjoyment out of the car.. The fact its still smokey on startups im banking on something up top is fuky but who knows at this point in time I spouse... I mean if I was my VF I would write it off as "ahh LS things ya get that!" lol.

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  • 5 months later...
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Still got this car.. Still having issues with it.. Or I might shut the roller door and forget I own it for another 6 months.. Thinking about taking it to a tuner that's in the same state as me, since to get the tunes touched up alone is $1700ish and I've already laid out 2500 at the same shop when it was originally tuned with the xcal.. Thinking about getting PCMtec software and seeing what it's all about, then on the other hand I don't want to break it lol.. 


my AFR's at full noise and currently at 10.0-10.4 so a couple of people are suggesting if that's got anything do with my oiling issue and and its washing bores.. 


Sold my VF calais V8 so now I wanna get this car sorted 110%

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Went to heathcote on the weekend with the car. Was pretty happy all in all it survived the drive there and back, about 1,100kms all up. Car PB'd at 11.70 @ 121mph with a 1.8 60'... that's on its current E85 tune that was 413rwk when tuned 4 years ago, going by the content gauge it was around E71 (filled up with 64L of E85 at united at heathcote) I dont really know if the car has much more than that to give.. I tried to launch off the footbrake and handbrake and had troubles getting it to 6psi, did see 7 a couple of times but it'd drop off to 4 so unsure if it has a boost leak somewhere? I noticed during a run it would hit 19psi and back off to 14.. I'll pull the front bar off and look at the joiners.. The best 60' I got from the day was 1.78 also having a stock input shaft and repco M86 CV's im not too sure how much abuse they can take..


Also, heres one of my half decent skids of the day.. Guess I need to sort out some shocks/springs soon as I'm sure it shouldn't launch like that for factory gear? Dunno but was good to enjoy the car and forget about its issues for a day...


Heres a video of me trying to finish off the MT's, they are past their use by date but had a little tread to go so tried to send them off on their way, great break foot it stepped out more than I was expecting, forgot what the right line at heefy was all about - Lance has done great work there, alot better than it was when I was last there 3 years ago.. 



And my mates BA Ghia Turbo, good quick car that it's going to be quick once its been to the track a few more times. 


Edited by skotty
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Was driving it the other day, about 5,000 - 5,5000rpm in 3rd and it had a moment blew some smoke and well now were here! Guess I found what was wrong with it? I'm guessing it dropped a injector? I'll send them off to be tested and see what happens from there I guess.. This was on number 2..








Then there was this too which deff isn't good! 




All going to plan I'll be getting CP pistons and machined block to suit in the next few weeks.. Once its rebuilt I'll have to figure out which was to go with injectors.. I'm not sure if the bosch 1150's are FUBAR now, and even if they'll flow enough to make the best out of the gen 1 garrett gtx3582? When it gets retuned I might go to a SA tuner again as I need to switch over to PCMTEC, current tuner wont re-do it with the xcal and I've had some mates with some great results from a bloke in Adelaide who some here obviously know pretty well! 

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3 hours ago, skotty said:

I'm guessing it dropped a injector?


The injector would have been flowing some amount of fuel for this to happen. If it was 100% not squirting, the cylinder just goes dead.


Fuel delivery is reliant on cam timing being correct, so if your timing guide stud had snapped it might have leaned everything out and this was the cylinder that burnt up first. Anyhow good luck with getting it sorted out.

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