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BA Fairlane Turbo!


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  • Puff
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There is e85 at the track so you can fill up while you're there, that way you'll have a full tank to drive home on. There is accommodation at the track too so no need to drive home at midnight.

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On 28/08/2021 at 6:08 PM, Puffwagon said:

I'll be there if I get my trans sorted in time.

Hopefully you get that sorted, keen to see the territory out! 

So I preparation for roll racing I was talking to a mate about doing my timing chain guides and my tuner recommended doing the chain and sprocket too as its up around 220k old now, and silly me has been driving it with a broken exhaust side chain guide on the top where they all go.. Been rolling the dice I guess so far and I've been lucky.. Me mate had this sitting in his shed



The atomic timing chain kit, just doing some research before I go ahead and fit it up as I'm hearing a couple of people say to run a brand new genuine ford chain tensioner as there was a bad batch of atomic ones.. Also I want to find out if the intake side chain guide with the atomic kit mean to be a atomic branded item of if its just a OEM one, as there no markings on it? Think my mate bought the kit off Facebook 12 months ago...


I sort of half cant be bothered putting the kit thru it as its going to need engine work done soon enough, but I don't want to break it over ignorance for a afternoon job. The biggest paint in the arse will be trying to get the rocker cover to seal as the *trusted shop* who assembled my engine used sealant all over the sump and timing chain cover.. When I originally put the motor in I ran a BA sump as I wanted rubber gaskets over sealant.. What do ya do eh!


Hopefully I dont balls this up and it makes it to Tailem Bend! 

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Took the car roll racing, 700kms in 12 hours and that included 2.5 hours on the track. It really is great these cars, belt into on a track then drive 330km at midnight no questions asked in comfort, style, and reliability!


Lost a few races, won a few and that was good, however I need to leakdown test this motor as it used the entire "ok" section of the dipstick on that trip unsure where though, as people who were behind me when I was getting up it said they could smell e85 but it wasn't blowing smoke... it does blow some on the first take off of the day.. that's why valve stem seals were done a few months ago, tuner is suggesting valve guides. However I did only just learn factory turbos have a check valve in the pvc breather line which I don't have, so unless the crank case is seeing boost and pushing oil somewhere? But once again it doesn't blow any smoke when  cruising or under load..


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On 16/06/2021 at 4:58 PM, skotty said:

Thought before I'd send my cam cap to BluePower that I'd see what a local engine builder thought about it, left it with him went back a bit later and he got it out for $30 so I thought that was a win.. Got all new replacement rocker cover bolts from Ford, I figure if I snapped 1 the others are probably going to be hit and miss..


I do know there is a helicoil in one of my rocker cover bolts so I am thinking that I might wipe the thread locker off the new bolts just to play it safe incase it has to come out again down the track. Should see the car going on the weekend now so happy days! 

Blue power did my whipple s/c. There good.

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Why cant I interact with replies on my "Diesels should be Banned" thread. I just want a simple answer. I am a simple am. What's going on!!


ZF's are over rated mate. My 4 BTR 4 speed does 80-180 and in 6 seconds and that's only topping out second. ZF BETTER. 
"I think you better think again"


On 19/06/2021 at 7:18 PM, skotty said:

having a missfire gremlin at the moment if anyone wants to throw some ideas at me on what to look at/try next - link below.

Does your car go from 80kph too 180kph in 6 seconds. DOES IT. Because mine dose it every week.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Got this the other day, turns out I had no idea about tubos and the 1 way check valves in the rocker cover breather to the intake and I was still running the NA setup.. So will see how we go now - apparently the crank case would of being seeing a bit of boost and pushing oil whereever it wanted to? I dunno.. At the moment the car is in the sin bin... Got home from the bend 2 months ago and havent driven it since. I'll have to feed it to her now and see if this fixed it.. If it has - happy days I'll look into getting a flex tune.. If not - back to the sin bin..




Also, who is that Justme knob...

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  • Puff
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Too be fair if the crankcase was getting boosted, it would still have been getting sent into the intake pipe just after the filter.


Not ideal but not the end of the world.

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The sh*t part is for the last 18 months I couldn't get it to my tuner because closed borders. Nobody here I trust with the car so its I buy a leak down test and have a look and I dont know WTF I am doing there, or wait... I like who tunes it, they are fantastic and have looked after me well and done me solids but with this border closure and uncertainty with how it will pan out with them staying open I dont know if its work when it gets a retune on pcmtec going to someone in SA.. here's hoping I can get it sorted and looked at early in the new year.. On one hand I want it sorted, on the other hand I'm starting to look at it as the 17 year old BA falcon it really is, and its starting to not be worth the effort/$$$

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  • Puff
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When you want to switch to pcmtec hit me up and I'll sort you out. We're in the same state so easy enough there. I don't charge an arm and a leg either ;)

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