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FG XR6T Intermittent Stalling at Idle


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My 2008 FG XR6T is stalling at idle.  It's running fine everywhere else.  It's just had the following replaced.  Fuel filter.  Coil packs.  Oxy sensor.  Plugs.  I understand that there are a few gadgets close to the throttle body to assist with smooth idle and I wonder if they might be the cause of the intermittent stalls? 


If you've had experience with the issue please let me know. Even better pls send me a few photos.





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I dont know what else you may have changed on yours, however I did have idle issues when I first started modifying mine.


I had an issue with my FG XR6T after fitting a bosch 044 fuel pump and surge tank, it is manual so every now and then it would stall with the clutch in rolling to an intersection.

Took me a while to find but it turned out the fuel pressure was around 6 bar at idle (this is some years back so I may be a little off here). The factory fuel pressure regulator could not flow the extra fuel delivered by the 044.


Replaced the regulator with an external regulator and all good since, https://www.efisolutions.com.au/turbosmart-fpr1200-fuel-pressure-regulator-black

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 I had similar issues and found that the filter screen in the regulator was almost blocked completely with contaminant. Once cleaned, the issue disappeared. Food for thought.....

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Interesting, I never noticed a screen in there when I pulled the old regulator out. I have heard of some people somehow opening up the factory regulator to flow a bit more.


Took me a while to find because the problem began once I brought it home from the tuner (they fit the surge tank and 044 while tuning), went back to them 3 times and when they still didn't know even after changing to different injectors,  I bought HP tuners and started hunting the problem myself.


Easy job to put a pressure gauge on as a quick check. Correct me if I am wrong but at idle I think you are looking for 4 bar fuel pressure.

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Thanks heaps guys,


So where's the photos of the fuel regulator ... and instructions on removal.  ;-)


Is the fuel regulator the gadget on the inlet manifold so close to the fire wall that you need the fingers of a contortionist to remove it?  It's held in by a circlip?  If that's it I've already replaced it with a new unit from Ford. 


If it's NOT it somebody please point me in the correct direction.


Thanks again.  PAH

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