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The Skid Factory - episode discussion


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Skid Factory - Barra Bedford Episode 14.
Woody with the expertise to smash out the brake line positioning with the welding wire as a mapping tool. solid. nice brake-line specific tool use to get the flexi line setup well.

lol @ bunnings wheel barrows being the structural items required to make the new engine cover haha

haha the story about losing weight in the US
also the one straight after about lending a mower - Al's response haha


Woody building a skid pad at home? legit? under the Mango tree? :P

Happy with this little idea to have the uni-joint on the steering instead of the stocker rag-joint. lol'd at it having the right diameter to clear the alternator location, though.

Al was not happy about the 1/4" nut on a 1/4" UNF steering linkage being broken and expensive... not even the right nut on the end wtf haha
Quality bit of information about the steering wheel position when putting in "sorta permanent" fixtures.


Bugger that the belt measuring effort mentioned in a previous episode didn't work.

The steering lock does look impressive, but I guess you'd expect that for "getting the van into tight spaces" or "drifting" and clearly nothing else haha

Al letting Woody struggle through the brake line process only to then show him how it's done with the next one haha. Definitely some good information with regard to how to set it all up from Al there.

The lemon squash gags just don't get old, for some reason :) we all know it's four-ex, but still, doesn't mean it's not good bants :D

lol @ topping up the spa so Al can get his Barry White on haha

nice custom brackets (not included in the kit) to mount the brake lines haha it's amazing how much good work you can do with a welder and some steel (and of course the skills and experience to use them to your advantage)
ahh, finally cutting off the rear shock mounts to turn them back around the right way haha looks like those shock mounts being re-welded has lined up everything much better for ideal operations :)

lol @ not being able to lock down the vee-logs and profits... maybe needing a selfie stick :rofl:

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This can go here ->


Good quality coverage of the Cresta (I consider it more a skid factory thing than MCM, but same/same. Might even change the title of this thread to include MCM discussion :idunno:) from 1320Video here :)

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  • Puff
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I watched that today.


I'm keen to see what it'll do off the transbrake.


I wonder if they'll chuck a decent turbo on it with some cams and run a 7?

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The fact they put in a forged bottom end now for some safety for drag week seems like a great decision, in hindsight.

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So hard watching it creep forward on the line. For the love of jeebus get a trans brake lol


Surprised to hear they got a 1.4 60ft out of it considering how soft the launches look. Look forward to seeing those tenths drop once they get a tb. 

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TSF Bedford Build Episode 15 comments:

not being "bikefit" - such a tragedy ahha

lol @ not having the bit of loom a that they actually needed.

brazilians good at a lot of things, actually ;) soccer and... *shrug*. dancing is subjective haha

solid unboxing of the haltech stuff and associated explanation. not sure it's all 100% true, what Alan said about the advantages of the haltech over the stock PCM, but close enough to be informative.

good advice on getting the right tool for the crimping of the thick power wires (doesn't have to be hydraulic, in my experience; ratcheting ones work fine, too, imho.). Definitely enjoyed the montage of Woody installing the power wires for the alternator, starter, battery etc. Al at the end giving the most sage advice on wiring up batteries etc :)

Haltech needing a speed sensor is an interesting problem to have to encounter in this build... sneaky little thing to add to the gearbox to be able to measure the "tripod" portion of the output shaft as it rotates for the speed sensor. Hopefully it works OK.

temperature switch for transmission cooler fan, fuel pump wiring, boost controller, scavenge pump etc was a quick little coverage for quite a bit of background work :)

liked the "send it; commit" for the positionining of the ECU haha

lol @ the "barry white" and as usual the lemon squash gags are great :)

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