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Fuel Trims - What's Normal?


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Lately I've been getting into data logging and live monitoring of various things, using an OBDLink MX and CarScanner or DashCommand.


One thing I've noticed is that my short term fuel trims are coming up very high (ahead of boost) under WOT, up to around +20%. 


I understand what fuel trims are and their purpose, haven't checked my long term fuel trims but will do so tomorrow.


Is this normal for a tuned car? I can see it making sense that it's pumping in fuel ahead of the air it's about to take in.


Any thoughts?



STFT vs Boost.png

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  • Member For: 13y 1m 2d
  • Gender: Male

STFT and LTFT are only used in closed loop (think light load & cruise secnarios) and not in WOT conditions where fuelling in open loop is calculated straight from the base fuelling map plus some additional modifiers.

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