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Blown Head Gasket or Cracked Head?


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Hi Guys,


I want advice before I dip more $$$ in my BA XR6T running a FG F6 motor making 413rwkw on E85 which seems to be either a blown head gasket or cracked head.


My pride and joy has started blowing allot of white smoke over the last couple of weeks on cold starts. Also about a week ago I was under full boost and suddenly fealt and heard what seemed to be heavy misfiring so I backed off and took it to my tuner for further investigation.


Suspected spark plugs and replaced them and also found the fuel pump not working properly and suspected to of been running lean for a while so replaced it and back up on the dyno still having issues. Now upon doing compression test some water come out of cylinder 5. Now suspecting blown head gasket or cracked bore.


I have not heard of many blown head gaskets internally on these motors however have heard of a few cracked heads. I have spent allot on this and has always been well maintained and quality parts always used. What do you think it is and why and what sort of costs should I expext. Looking for advice and opinions from others with experience.


Thanks in advanced.

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seems like your tuner is the best person to be consulting on this matter... but to replace a head gasket isn't massively expensive, but around the $1k mark in labour and if you are honing the deck or something specific to prevent it failing again, the costs can soar a bit... either way, it's not going to be a cheap fix... good luck.

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