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Okay, Who would be the best Chariot Cutter for getting this redone...

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  • Member For: 20y 9m 1d
  • Location: Canberra and Townsville

Around the late 90's, I owned a TC Cortina with a then EF XR6 drivetrain in it, and it was much fun - had it in the 12's at the local drags and it was always an attention grabber being something unique.  I was young and couldn't afford to maintain it when rust started appearing and things were getting expensive to keep mechanically, so it was sent out to pasture, I bought a lackluster Laser TX3 to replace it and I got on with life.


So, some time back I embarked on a project that ultimately had to be given the flick due to finances and circumstance.  I wanted to build another classic Cortina, this time of course, wedge a dirty great turbo barra drivetrain in it.  I love the classic lines, light weight and ample potential of the little brit car paired to some aussie six-banging goodness.  There were problems though...  The little brit chassis was suspect to say the least.  Drum brakes, sloshy suspension, upper control arms of the differential would pull out of the body, etc.  I found a solution though, the Mk3 Supra has an identical wheelbase and track, so I found a guy who could do it and he essentially got both cars and made a Cortina shell sit on a Supra floorpan and engine bay.  Worked a real treat and stood to solve a great many issues in one very neat solution, it had disc brakes all round, power steering rack & pinion, sportscar handling and a well-established after market accessories bin, etc. 


The last time I did this, I had the body done, but failed to get far past that due to life distractions - and rust bit down hard on it too while I wasn't looking.  Someone else ended up with it and I didn't have the time or resolve to carry on knowing I'd do it again properly one day....


Well, I have itchy feet again and before I start something insane, like a retro fitted '69 fastback mustang, I wanted to revisit this long lost plan that was half finished last time, and give it the exposure it thoroughly deserves.


I guess, what I want to know, is there a decent cost effective limo builder in or around Canberra who could pull off such a cunning stunt for me?


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  • Member For: 20y 9m 1d
  • Location: Canberra and Townsville

I've already done this type of mad thing before, so it's only a matter of time... In fact, I'm helping my step-son right now with a VW Mk1 Golf on a Mk4 Bora floorpan & Mk5 3.6lt & 6 speed awd setup...  220kw in 850kg...

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  • Member For: 6y 9m 11d
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  • Location: Perth

A mad scientist. I love it!


If you were doing a 69 stang, there's so much bolt on suspension stuff for them these days, would it still be worth chopping it up? Or would you go old body straight onto a new mustang frame?

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