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FG audio upgrade options


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  • Member For: 12y 30d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Vic

Honestly for a ute I'd upgrade the front and rear speakers, sound deaden the doors and rear wall of the ute (this is a must in my view). Then install a slimline sub under the passenger seat.

Speakers are 6" in the doors and rear panel behind seats. You'll have to cut the factory speaker pods to pieces to remove the factory rubbish cones.


The slimline subs have a speaker input that you can just connect without a line convertor - just tap into the rear speakers while you have it all apart and run the cables under the carpet to under the passenger seat. Ground can be used from the bolt at the back of the console - near the seatbelt stalk. Power can be run from under the bonnet (6mm or 8 gauge - depending on what you have on hand). I normally use the ciggy lighter for remote turn on, unless the slimline sub has "remote audio turn on" from the speaker inputs.


I'd put splits in the front and just coaxials in the rear. If you don't already have tweeters from factory, the a pillar covers can be purchased at Ford dealers or eBay/Fackbook etc.


Done this a few times now (utes and sedans), and if I had my time again, I'd have never stuck a line out convertor in my G6ET and just left it with upgraded speakers and woofers. That "white noise" from the factory ICC is so annoying - even when most of it is tuned out.

Tuning a FG with line out convertors and installing it all correctly is a big job - almost workshop level for most people. If you have to use a line out convertor - make sure is one with lots of tuning options with dials, not software - so you don't lose all your settings if the damn battery goes flat.

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