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Haltech Falcon plug & play discussing thread


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  • Puff
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Wolf are showing a listing for a BF ecu which wan't there a few months ago. They've had a BA listing for quite a while.


I don't know if the BF ecu controls the zf but I'm sure a quick email would solve it. Maybe someone has already sussed it out and can fill us in.

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  • Puff
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18 minutes ago, Ford Freak said:

the wolf doesnt support the 6 speed I was taking the piss


Haha I knew you were taking the piss man but they do have a new listing.

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  • Puff
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They've already stated that flex fuel is on the cards for them. 


The real gains are in the brand new os and live tuning not to mention the various motorsport features.

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Live tuning is something that we've always wanted, but will not get, I don't think, due to the slow data rate into and out of the physical hardware. Same thing with as hardware limitations to power, the same thing happens with data rates :rtfm:

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  • Puff
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Link to said manual? :stirthepot:


The physical hardware is being changed and as you should know, Haltech has had live tunable ecus for years. If this isn't live tunable then it will flop like a dead squid on a plate of salt.


Speaking of baud rates, you do realise that even the old delco ecus can be live tuned with some board upgrades and a new os? I've heard from multiple sources that the factory ecu can be modded to live tune but no one will do it as the roi isn't acceptable.

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yeah, essentially they'd be losing money, rather than making money, by forcing themselves to have to charge less for each tune... but realistically if you had enough business you could tune more cars in less time and recover the cost that way.... that does seem difficult to achieve, though, from an outsiders point of view.


If it's a "plug in replacement" for the entire factory tuning system, sure, live tuning is easily possible with the higher data rates, but if it's a "plug in piggyback" style then my point remains.

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