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Help, no heat from air con


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On 07/05/2018 at 6:45 PM, Ford Freak said:

im not a fb mechanic you will need to get someone to look at it


could be 


heater core



seriously if it was either of the above , wouldnt the car be over heating ?

Which it isnt.

im guessing it might be electric(switch) or something


What is your thoughts ?



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For low coolant, yes car would likely overheat.

If the thermostat was stuck open, the car would take longer to warm up and longer to get warm air from the heater. I chucked a new thermostat in my car as it was very slow to get the heater going. But if you can't get any hot air, even after running the car for a while, thermostat is unlikely to be the cause.

It's pretty hard for anyone to accurately guess because your issue could be the correct or one of the electrical or mechanical components under the dash.

This article gives some good possible causes and testing to help identify:


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