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Rentons bunky BA XR6T build


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I pulled the 5 speed out separately a few weeks ago when I sold it. Going to try and put the 6 speed and engine together on the floor and put back into the car all as one. Not sure how I'll go yet getting the right angle as it was pretty tight length ways just getting eng out. 

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You can’t get the box and engine in together unless the rear of the car is lifted higher than the roof level , basically not worth trying ;) 

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What Jet said. As you know, it's very tight even when just pulling the engine out. I'd bet my left nut that box cannot go in with the engine.. Hence why I drop the whole K frame and take the lot out through the bottom.  Unfortunately, this requires a hoist...

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2 hours ago, HI PSI said:

Unfortunately, this requires a hoist...

easy, can get a 2 pole hoist for like $2-3k ish. the same amount of money could buy some dardy mods though...


Not sure if the concrete needs to be a certain thickness though.

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You can get engine and box in and out together if you take the steering rack off the k frame and jack the back of the car up as high as a proper trolley jack can get it. But it’s the biggest pain in the ass and isn’t worth the effort. Just put the gearbox in from underneath it’s a lot more simple.

Also I forgot about them rods mate I’ll have a check on them when I’m back in two weeks if you still have it apart by then.

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No probs mate. Definitely won't be back together in 2 weeks. Let us know what you find. I'd probably still be interested.


12 hours ago, JETURBO said:

You can’t get the box and engine in together unless the rear of the car is lifted higher than the roof level , basically not worth trying ;) 

That's what I was thinking, I'd try jack the back the back end up as high as I could. Oh well, good to know not worth the hassle. Will just do the old fashion way! Cheers :thumbsup:


10 hours ago, skidxr6t said:

easy, can get a 2 pole hoist for like $2-3k ish. the same amount of money could buy some dardy mods though...


Not sure if the concrete needs to be a certain thickness though.

That'd be nice. Unfortunately didn't consider a hoist when I was building the shed. It's just not high enough. But as you say the extra cost involved is not really not really worth it for me. I'm pretty sure you need extra footings where the hoist bolts into the ground too.

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So on the weekend I finally had some time to work on the bunky. Going back a few weeks ago when I took the motor out I had to beef up the engine stand. Thought I would put the info for these mods in here too in case ppl needed ideas as there's some sh*t stands out there.


Started out as a second hand Supercheap stand. Firstly the legs were too short so lengthened them with some 65x2.5 SHS, cut most of the old legs off. With a bit of massaging and a lot of hammering I got them inside the 65 shs.











Also had to redrill some holes in the supports for upright post as it leaned to far forward. Still wasn't happy as the motor bounced around a bit but was busy with other things.



It sat like that up until last weekend when I had some time to beef it up some more. Probably a bit of overkill but sits pretty solid now.





At this stages I'll just be stripping all bolt ons off the motor, cleaning everything up and painting some parts, replacing all gaskets and seals, apart from head, and reassembling with valve springs.


So first job this weekend was to strip the paint off my rocker cover as I will be painting a different colour and already had a few chips. Bought some paint stripper from Bunnings. Did ok but had to put a few coats on and ran out towards the end. So a got the wire wheel and scotchbrite wheel on the die grinder. Then I got carried away with the sander and orbital and smoothed out all the casting marks. Still needs a few little touches before a throw some paint on.












Next up stripped everything off the motor. Actually prior to that I lined up all the timing marks to make sure that was all good. Only had to turn it over about 15 hundred times! 







Pulled the cams, rockers and lifters out, then bagged and tagged everything.





As far as I can see everything so far looks in reasonable conditions. Not sure if it's worth pulling the oil pump out and inspecting, possibly put a set of gears in it? Or anything else (apart from rods) that I'm not thinking of that might beneficial. 


I know Arron has mentioned harmonic balancer in a few threads. Whats decent out there that will be good for a few killerwasps without spending a fortune, Powerbond, Ross? And underdriven or standard?


Tonight I took a few measurements for my valve spring tool so will hopefully have that sorted for the weekend


Rough pic on the whiteboard. Yep it makes sense to me lol


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