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Good FG auto electrician in Sydney?


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Im based in Roselands Sydney in need of someone who knows the FG pretty well. I bought a XR6 FG ute with no key damaged, cars been repaired and got a locksmith out to cut and "try" program a key, error came up communication fail to ECM/PCM , unfortunately he still charged me for the key cutting, key and programming.  Here are the issues I have, I can buy a new ECU from Ford for $1200 then $145 a hour to program but the issue here is it may not be the ECU and just a short somewhere. My other dilemma is I got is to bring someone out to test the electrical circuitry to see if the PCM is getting power, although I do not know anyone who is familiar with these cars who won't need to spend 5 hours diagnosing it and possibly not being able to diagnose or wrongly diagnose it.

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  • WOT?
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Am giving OP a chance to join the forum community and not get crapped on.


Keep it civil and treat this as a fresh post.

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  • To Loud
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ahhh, come on Rab. Don't be like that. I was about to ask the question about the XR6T.

I thought this XR6T was going to be sold for parts as a wreck.

What changed?


PS, my contribution to this fresh post is that I have a second hand FG ECU for an Auto, assuming you are interested of coarse.

No I will not be selling it for 1200 clams.

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  • To Loud
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I only have the ECU for an FG XR6 Turbo Auto. My car is a manual so I am on the hunt for an FG XR6T Manuuuueeeeaaaal ecu...

No I do not have have the BCM or PCM.

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  • WOT?
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WHS ^^


Surely Ford have something in place to match a new key to the cars VIN/ECU - not requiring a totally new ECU?


Quick google and about $600 was mentioned, but not sure

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"Rab" - the Ecu is the fault , or a wiring short. I can get keys cut and programmed mobile , including the key for $200 if you guys need him or wanna add it to this forum feel free, these guys are probably not well known but they are "bosses in this game"  and about 50% or more cheaper then the rest. 


My issue is towing it from my place to ford then finding out its the ECU only to have towed it back, that exercise will be about $400, not including the ECU, I got offered a whole set for a FG Turbo Ute $550 second hand (wreckers) but the dilemma with this is , I'm not 100% sure its the ECU. I need a good electrician to come out and test if the ECU is getting power, then at least that saves me towing to Ford and checking etc , or even going down the route of buying an ECU for nothing. Also a key can't be programmed unless it can communicate to the PCM or ECU as you guys might know it. 


"4321" funny you mention that I just bought an airbag module from him today at "Blacktown" hahaha 


"Masda74" the Ecu on its own is no good , thanks anyway. Unless you know someone who is SuperGeek and can reprogram it, but then again that would in itself potentially be problematic, and at least $300-$500 from what I've been told , their is a guy who does repair ECU/PCM at South Wentworthville but I am not certain its the ECU. Just need a good sparky to determine if its the ECU or a short somewhere. Ford will answer this for me for $275 minus tow trucking. 


Glad this post is actually getting some momentum positively, thanks "Rab"

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