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Oils Aint Oils <Merged Thread>


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This is what I found on the AMSoil site which actually puts royal purple down on the list.

I guess when people are doing test sometimes they don't do oil's that are better than them or just leave them off the list


how about this a 409,000 mile truck with no wear

they also did a taxi a while ago but I can't seem to find the link


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Nothing can do 409,000 miles without some wear. It's impossible.

Reading that article shows they added a bypass filter setup. That would greatly extend the oils life because they filter the oil much more finely than a conventional full flow filter (like the XR6T has).

Another thing to take into account is that trucks like that don't rev much more than 2200rpm.

It's funny how you can't open any of the pictures in that article to a larger size.

No engine builder in their right mind would put any of that stuff back in the engine!

I think putting 20W oil in is not a good idea. It's to thick.

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I spoke to FPV today and was told that they only accept a 15w-40 weight oil in our cars and are happy for it to be changed to a synthetic as long as it is 15w-40.

I told them that a ford dealership put 0w-40 halvoline synthetic oil in my car at the 3000klm service and they said my motor was not covered with that oil even though it was put in by a ford dealership. (what a joke)

They said that if anything went wrong then you would have to try and get it repaired by (taking legal action against most likely) the Ford dealership that put the oil in the car.

Does anyone know how we can get a partition together or something to find out what synthetic oils we can actually use?

I know if I was going to the ski fields in NSW I wouldn't want to put a 15w oil in.

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This is interesting, I never saw this thread before...

Anyways havent said that... Getting the car serviced tomorrow 15,000 and last week when I was in the service dept. was advised that this dealer uses 0-40w Castrol Edge in both the FPV 6's and 8's as its the best blah blah blah...

Its interesting that FPV advised Silk RSPEC that the car warranty is void due to this, and what I find even more interesting is (if/assuming) the dealer is a representative of Ford & in this case more importantly FPV, not only do a log book service, and in the case - in thory use a better/wider ranged oil, as well as act as a warranty agent that FPV/Ford would now respond in this manner...

Anything to find a way out of a warranty job, however unless it is documented that the 'better' oil causes issues, I could not understand how this would hold up in any court...

0-40 or 15-40... just over kill and therefore cant see how it really matters..


Think ill just let the service Dept deal with this, and if they wack in the 0-40 Edge... then that's what they do...

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I just started using Mobil1, beforehand my mechanic was using semi synthetic oil for turbo engines. I heard that Mobil 1 is pretty good.

Whats the best oil for mildly modified T's?

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