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Unstable rpm under light load


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So Iv'e had the car for about 2 years now and every once in a while the car will bounce around between 1500 and 1600rpms at around 60kms, really only happens when the car is cold.  Always thought it would go away once I got the car tuned but it never did.  I'm dropping it back off at my tuners in a couple weeks too have it looked at, but does anyone have any ideas?

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is in an auto zf6? could be the gear box fluid coming up to temp. I kinda get the same thing sometimes and just assumed its that.


I always notice it doing weird sh*t in the morning when its cold. lol

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Had similar problem. Yes tune related but could not say if Ford induced or Tuner induced. Somewhere along the line I did something on HP TUners that solved it. Too many changes to know what I did. Basically I started from a stock tune and tuned myself. I would start by changing the Speed Density tuning maps to ones which are richer in the cruise area of the maps. In the FG the maps do vary a bit and caused me problems with stalling. You could change the numbers in that part of the map but its easier to copy and paste from a "good tune" to see if it does anything or not. Buy HP Tuners if it really bothers you. From my experience unlikely a Perth shop will solve it, but happy to say they will and take your money.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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On 04/09/2017 at 5:41 PM, espoig said:

So Iv'e had the car for about 2 years now and every once in a while the car will bounce around between 1500 and 1600rpms at around 60kms, really only happens when the car is cold.  Always thought it would go away once I got the car tuned but it never did.  I'm dropping it back off at my tuners in a couple weeks too have it looked at, but does anyone have any ideas?

It's an easy fix


Requires a couple of changes to the torque converter lock up maps. The surge is the car shifting between two or three maps and unlocking and locking the tc.


3 hours ago, eff xr6t said:

Was the trans tune modified? Rpm change without speed change is worrying as the convertor should stay locked at light load.

^this guy, dropping the one liner knowledge bombs 

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