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Perth - Albany run last weekend. This is where the XRt comes alive and you start to appreciate the time and money you've put in to make your ride sting, hang on and pull up,all with precision and safety. Overtaking double B trucks becomes a pleasure


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shoulda read your name before replying, your tyres are gonna last ages man.


car looks sweet :)


and nah m8 snort lines of coke while getting a gobbie from a hooker with big tits. and overtake slow city drivers around a blind corner


but seriously, city drivers on that highway boil me. all scared to do 110 around the corners then suddenly accelerate to try and block you overtaking.

Edited by skidxr6t
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14 hours ago, skidxr6t said:

but seriously, city drivers on that highway boil me. all scared to do 110 around the corners then suddenly accelerate to try and block you overtaking.


That's what I found on the Albany trip for Racewars this year.


I got frustrated getting stuck behind a bus, with a truck behind that and two 4WD's with caravan's behind that.  The dropkick's in the 4WD's took turns trying to "overtake" each other at two overtaking lane area's.


So as soon as I didn't have a double line, foot, floor, bye-bye.


It surprised me how stable the car is at speed for stock suspension with just bushes done, it also surprised me how good the fuel economy was too.

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