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Hi Guys,


I'm fairly new to this page and fairly new to fords. I bought my first ford, Ford XR6 FG Upgrade Limited Edition 2011 model, off of my mate beginning of this year. I recently started to hear a rattle noise from my car each time I accelerated when I was in town house area but wouldn't hear the noise much in an open freeway/motorway. The mechanic told me that the muffler has collapsed and that I need to change the muffler, now I'm not too smart on cars and how things work, I just wanted to ask, the muffler, is that held on by bolts (mechanic said so) or is that welded on? and if it is held on by bolts, would I be able to change it on my own ? And also is it possible to just buy a muffler ?

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  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 25d
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  • Location: SW Sydney

Rattle in a townhouse area would be the yobbos with their paint cans sneaking up on you


Keep to the more affluent suburbs and you'll be sweet ;) 




jokes aside...which muffler? Assume it's in an NA not a turbo?

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  • Silver Donating Members
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Yeh I get it, was just taking the piss


I sort of mis-read your first post though, no you can't un-bolt a muffler and replace on a stock XR6 exhaust, they are a welded assembly.

Yes there will be a flanged joint near one end of one of the mufflers, but this is just for ease of fitting/removing the whole system, not to replace mufflers. (not sure what you actually asked the mechanic but the method of removing the whole system was maybe what he was referring to)


This is what it will look like. How much did he quote you?

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  • New Member
  • Member For: 7y 7m 17d

Damnit :laughing:


So I gotta replace the whole damn thing ? Well since I'm replacing the whole damn thing I might aswell change it to double exhaust.


Quote word for word from mechanic

"that rattling noise, inside your muffler it has collapsed, we need to change it, it should be held on by 2-3 bolts and it should slide off. I can get the part and do it for you $150-$250"


btw thanks for your help, if I were to ask any of the boys they'd just be laughing at my lack of knowledge :laughcont:

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  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 25d
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  • Location: SW Sydney

Mate you don't have to replace the whole thing...normally an exhaust shop would cut out the muffler (if that's what it is) and re-weld in a new one, not a big job.


Take it to an exhaust place instead or source a replacement section 

Edited by camo86T
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