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BA wagon turbo conversion using ford parts


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Yeah we are taking about the same thing from two different angles, I'm talking about using a boost controler to maximise boost response without causing a spike. 


Your talking about tweaking the mechanical system to prevent it from spiking and sacrificing some boost response in the process. 


But you are correct if the hardware cannot be setup to mechanically prevent a spike no boost controller would help. 


In essence if using andyform of adjustable boost control you'd setup the mech side so it doesn't spike then use the controller to fill in the curve up to the max it'll allow before it spikes for better responses and boost up top. 


Given your turbo has been modded you may be able to build a nice curve with only tweaking preload. 


Btw I tune turbo falcons with hpt and have a lot of experience with turbo conversions into non  turbo fors chassis, non ford chassis and na to turbo conversions. 


And I also have a history of fixing turbo conversions that some of the big name shops couldn't get right. 


We should talk. 

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Yes. Would love to have a chat about tuning and getting it all right the first time!


Would like to have it FINISHED(boost and tuned) within around 8 weeks. Got a pile of boxes here already, LSD, brakes, sensors, fuel pump, etc to do first before the actual turbo work starts. Will be trying to get everything sorted so it only needs one tune.


Car itself has already had new wheels (tyres are new) coils, plugs, TPS, filters, full new suspension, new roof lining, new lights, tint, big Trans cooler and BTR serviced and lots of small fixes in the 2 weeks I've had it.


Not going to try to get by with small injectors or anything stupid haha 

Edited by Lunchietey
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  • Sandtrap Motorsport
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It just clicked. Hey lance ! :)

Luke (aka Ralph W) tunes my wagon. I know Ellenbrook is quite the trek for you given rocko, but I can honestly say he's worth a go for tuning & car setup, he has done a few turbo converted cars now, and WANTS to help the small guys (ie: us), and yeah give him a PM ;p

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Ah! Yes it's hard to stay hidden in a small world!

Haven't had the diff fitted yet, but thanks for all your help and info as well Matt :ta:


Yes will send a PM probably today, don't care about driving, would be a bit stupid to think there are ford tuners in every suburb haha. I like driving anyway which is why I have 3 totally different cars lol.


Wagon has been lowered since I picked the diff up, drives so much better and is way less boaty. Coils and plugs were changed just after and the engine is smoooooth as now and no more rich code so seems quite healthy and probably ready for boost.


Am driving to Joondalup this morning to pick up extra oil/water lines and I believe he has the steel water pipes from an XR6T so I can have factory water feed. Will be using an earls oil feed. 


Might do the back brakes this arvo if I have time(slotted discs) and front BF turbo brakes (also slotted and qfm pads)when I have a bit more time. Still need to pre paint the disc hubs so they stay nice and maybe paint the calipers black. Wonder if caliper paint would do a respectable job after I clean up the turbo crossover pipe with a wire brush. Can't see why it wouldn't?


Working on these is so much easier than my RX8 haha and way easier than my FJ which needs a step ladder!

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  • 3 months later...
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@Lunchietey How did you get on with the conversion?


You mentioned "8 weeks" and that was back in August. I would like to see another turbo wagon up and running. I converted one myself with a complete BA turbo engine + trans swap. You may have it sorted already, but the sedan turbo exhaust fits IF you extend the middle section (on a BA this is the section after the CAT converter section with the dump pipe) by about 90mm and then I had the rear section made up by a shop in single 3" pipe.

Edited by jrmr
Amendment to exhaust notes
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  • 3 months later...
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@jrmr project is temporarily on hold. Got a fat tax bill and then took the family on holidays and then there was Christmas haha. 


Had some other issues with the wagon which took away some of my enthusiasm (mechanical issue and the wife backed my 4wd into it...in about the only place not easily repairable...rear quarter panel and tail light)


Its got a dent/scrape about 30cm long which I bashed out and polished so it's not TOO noticeable. The TPS failed so I replaced it with a new genuine one and it drives great again. Did the brake conversion and also had the inlet manifold gasket go which has been changed. Overall car drives pretty well now so I'm getting close to wanting to get the spanners out. Might still be a couple of months out but still happening :rofl:

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 Grr phone is making replies stupid...


No exciting pics, just a white BA wagon lowered on snowflakes with dark glass and 322mm front rotors(front and rear slotted with blue calipers)


I'll grab a better pic tomorrow 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Stupid door locks. Both rear doors not locking even AFTER replacing the internals with a kit. At least the grinding noise is gone...NFI why they dont work, they SOUND ok now...


Getting really itchy to get this done, just 1.5k of tax bill left and I can probably get started.

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