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Warning chime sound removal


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  • Member For: 12y 5m 24d

So I'm my BA xr6t the last two weeks I keep getting the warning chime for a door being open even though there's not won't go away all my door locks are fine so dnt think it's a actuator problem might be the boot?just want to no where is the actuall chime is coming from the cluster or ICC has anyone ever removed it permanently or know how too I just want it gone for good I dnt care about seat belt chime or low fuel chime I never want to here that ding noise again I can easily remove the door open globe from the cluster or if not from what I've read online might have to replace the bem then get it reprogrammed an that still might not even be the causing the issue some drives it won't beep but then some drives it doesn't stop beeping HELP anyone? Thanks in Advance 

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it's called a "door ajar indicator". Does it show a specific door open or does it say all are open?


If it's just one, I'd be checking the switch that sends the signal to the BEM.


If it's all of them, then the BEM likely has a fault that needs to be fixed by somebody with a fair whack of knowledge/experience with them.

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  • Member For: 12y 5m 24d

It doesn't show a specific door the symbol on the BA's is the both fronts open even if it was say the rear left the symbol would still show the both fronts open so hard to say if it's the doors or maybe even the boot  causing the problem but like u said might be the bem might not though might have to take it somewhere tomorrow an use a scan tool that might atleast point out if it's a specific door or the bem I really just want the chime gone all together also my cars tuned via a HP tuner so I dnt know if putting in a new bem and getting ford to reprogram it is a good idea I may be wrong but I don't wanna mess up my tune or anything and my tuner is hours away so that's not a easy task 

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could you remove each door switch one at a time and manually short/unshort that circuit (not sure if the circuit is open or closed when door is closed) and see whether the door open indicator turns off? If you can get it to respond that way, you know the BEM is good and which door switch is bad.

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  • Member For: 12y 5m 24d

I don't exactly know how I've fixed it but it hasn't done it in the last 24hrs I did how ever take drivers side door skin off sprayed a sh*tload of wd40 into the latch switch I also cleared the DTC and I'm now using the spare key so out of those 3 things I did 1 of them is working for now ??

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