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What do you think of the new kia stinger gt? The next f6?


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If it's powerful and reliable as well as decent build quality it might win some decent fans that are not already attached to a brand too hard - either new drivers or those that are happy to swap badges.  People like myself who love Fords tragically and don't like the idea of buying another brand will be harder to convince.  I respect any car can can give me a run for my money down the drag strip, but that's just me.  Has to be pretty special to want to buy one...I'd love a Dodge Hellcat or Demon.


As for modding the Kia Stinger for more power - if the engine has decent power it might not have much left in terms of tune-ability if it's already at the pointy end of what the components can withstand.  


Time will possibly bring the goods though, as we saw with B series modded power levels increasing massively from 2002 to 2008!  300rwkw and 11 second quarters used to be impressive, now it's barely worth mentioning unless it's to someone that has never modified!  


Luckily an 11 second car still feels fairly impressive to passengers that haven't gone for a spin in a powerful car yet ;)

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An xbox or Playstation or Harvey Norman PC is fark'n powerful and flash for 90% of the people who buy them.


For a while.


A custom PC lasts a lot longer - but can be upgraded later to still be powerful. (same pc from PS1 days still runs quick. PS1 is now a Lada)


To add longevity (power/flash wise) to any of the above requires community, modability and desire.


No one is going to spend time, nor is the community/desire going to be there to upgrade/hack the xbox, PS or HN PC - will be a new model later to swap over for.


The custom PC will have parts swapped out, have the bios entered and tweaked, be broken, fixed, broken and fixed again.


To me most cars are xboxes, playstations or HN PC's


No matter how great they are at launch - no matter how great the specs are - that's the best they'll ever be.


Some cars though - they get "Jailbreak"'d


They become the custom PC versions - get tweaked, upgraded, overclocked, broke, fixed, broke and fixed again.


Has the Kia got the factory or the community support to be anything other than a console or HN PC?


Will it be the next WRX or EVO or FPV or HSV?


Or will it be the next Hyundai Soupe?

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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11 hours ago, Rab said:

Some cars though - they get "Jailbreak"'d


I like this analogy!




I agree the car needs a decent number of passionate owners (or fewer but richer ones) that want to increase the performance, in order for the development to take place at all even if the potential is there.

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