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ICC and Cluster not working... (OVER IT)


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Disconnect your battery wait a few minutes & reconnect the battery. Mine did the same thing & it had me stuffed till I Disconnected the battery & your speedo and cluster will work. As for the icc ifs it's not 100% sitting in the plug correctly it will not work. Some times busting the plug out and pushing it into the back of the ice is the only way... 

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I just had the battery disconnected while checking fuses this arvo, no luck
but yes I did read the rear plug issues, will give it a look, had to edit my original post as I didnt see there was 2 pages, of which was very useful to read, and relieving

speaking of fuses though, one of the big pink fuses on the interior board, labed '30', made a slight rattling sound, cactus you rekon? the others didnt

Edited by Ira Carew
forgot to mention something
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I went out today to give it a shot, and realised the ICC's chassis was slightly warped, and so it hadnt seated properly on the locators (just about the bolt holes), I popped it back, screwed it in, and when I plugged the battery in and turned her over, no luck, same issue.

I proceeded to remove the ICC for the 4th time and then realised, as I had removed the CD player, there was no connection to that main white plug, as it is mounted to the back of the CD player, I removed the BCM from the rest of the unit and put it back in as a storm front was comming and my windows were slightly down (it was 36 degrees), and checked again, still the same issue with only the BCM in

Now im stumped, why would the cluster, and AC not work when the CD player is detatched, I get the headunit not displaying as it only displays audio features, but the BCM has a direct connection to the car, and to the headunit mind you (as well as a small module on top of the aircon vents which im still unsure of its purpose)
Point been, my car is displaying the exact issues described here, but is missing the key culprit of the plug

So my last ditch effort will be to reinstall the CD player and radio unit (once I figure out how to remove the last two CDs) and hope that it doesnt wreck itself (as the CD player has sheered a cog and subsequently seized entirly after I manually ejected 4 of them) and hope that this somehow resolves the issue? but I dont see how it will, theres companys that repair the ICC's which recommend removing the BCM and putting it back into the car while they work, so I will ask them if this issue comes along with having no ICC.

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Long and behold after installing the CD player, reguardless of leaving the headunit unplugged from the CD player, my guages now work, so it seems without it the circuit is not complete, note to anyone in the future, all areas of the ICC must be fully plugged in otherwise wacky sh*t happens

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