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Just bought my first barra


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  • Puff
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You would expect it to do that with the new spring as the wg duty cycle will be acting upon that rather than a stock spring.


There is more boost commanded in the middle of the map and it drops off up top in a stock tune. That'd be why it half sorted it. 


The threads only 3 pages long man. Have a read. He has the 3584 kinugawa.

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Yeah puff wagon what your saying sounds right, if you just lean on it instead of loading it right up when

it starts over boosting (now approx 3700rpm as to 3200rpm) it will sometimes rev and extra 1000rpm cleanly (approx 4700rpm) then start doing

it again, I don't even know where it supposed to redline? 


I was hoping that 5psi spring would bring the boost down enough to keep the ecu happy but....


Would be nice if I could find someone that could do the tune just to fix the problem at a good price 

but after already spending $250 just to get told what I already new then quoted around 2k for the 

tune its beginning to get out of hand for what was meant to be a cheap daily driver :angry2:

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  • Puff
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Lol 2k for a tune. Someone's bullsh*tting you mate. 


You only need a quick fix of the tune and a check of the afrs and boost level to get it sorted. 


It is cheaper to buy your own road tuning setup than to pay that price. 


There are a couple of quick and easy ways to fix the problem in the tune that would take less than 10 minutes. 


One is by tuning the desired boost so it commands more boost so it doesn't hit the cut and the other is by raising the overboost threshold so it has 5 psi overboost before it cuts out instead of 2.35 psi that a stock tune has. 


Either of these is a very quick way of fixing the issue BUT there is more to tuning than removing safety features or just turning up the boost.


There could be other factors that prevent this turbo working correctly such as not being able to run low enough boost for the injectors or fuel pump as well as other parts not being up to the task. None of that can be fixed in the tune if the turbo won't turn down due to hardware issues. 


This info is all well and good if the tune is stock and it appears that it is but we won't know until it gets checked. 


Edit: My point is that is could well be a very quick fix (potential hardware issues aside) that shouldn't cost more than a few hundred dollars with a quick check on the dyno.

Edited by Puffwagon
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Yes that's what said before it was on the dyno already, and was told it was running 13pis that's why I tried to get the boost down with the new spring.


Sorry I should of made that more clear :P


But I was never offered a "quick fix" so to speak but was made aware of what you have said with fuel pump etc, I got the feeling it was more about extracting as much money as they could rather than just fixing the problem for me..

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  • Puff
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Hmmm. So is the tune stock?


When I say a quick fix I mean that it takes sweet fa to make the changes that I've described to fix a tune related overboost issue. 


Tell us what the dyno shop did and said to help clear this up as well as anything else you know at this stage.


What exactly were you quoted 2k for cos it can't have been just a tune?

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Yes stock tune ecu swapped from a turbo sedan.


Basically said what you said its over boosting and needs a tune


That was for sct and tune, nothing else, injectors $720 on top


They weren't very helpful if what your saying is right and I think it is WTF couldn't thy just offer to fix the problem

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  • Puff
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You know what man, a stock turbo and wastegate actuator will fix the problem.


Obviously there are other more expensive fixes that make more power but I wouldn't want to recommend a several thousand dollar solution when a much cheaper one is available. 


Even tuning yourself will cost about $1300 to set up ($995 hptuners mpvi pro with wb controller and gauge $300) and you need to know how to do it which is a long road in itself. 


Ring around and see if someone will have a crack at just tuning the boost settings, you might get lucky. 


If you can find someone on the forum with hptuners they can tune your car with their dongle. It'll cost 2 credits which is $100 plus whatever they want for their time. 


Farken cars aye, carnts are never cheap even when you do all the work yourself! 

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Yeah I know a stock turbo will solve the problem but not that easy to find, and cheaply!


Think its time to search for a tuna that is willing to help!  


Or if there is someone from here that is capable of fixing it for me that would be awesome and 


I don't mind paying for there time.. ?

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  • Puff
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I'm in South Australia mate so I can't do much.


I guess you just need to make those phone calls and keep your eye out for a turbo.


I'll keep an eye out if anything comes up. 




$1400 for a ball bearing bolt in stock replacement. 


Just a possibility. 


I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. 


Bypass the boost solenoid for now. 


Run a vacuum pipe from the comp cover to the wg actuator. 


I just looked at a stock ba file. It actually has 1.94psi leeway for overboost. The stock file is calling for 4.91 psi boost up top with around 6 psi in the middle.


With the 5 psi spring you might just be in luck?!

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