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What A Roo Does To A Turbo


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Be careful here guys, when I used to work at Nissan, a lot of people used to fit the aftermarket polyurethane bull bars (smartbars) to their Y61 Patrols, and Nissan were voiding cooling warranties because these bars were considerably restricting airflow to vital components. We had 1 motor overheat big time, and Nissan refused warranty because of a lack of airflow to the radiator.

Something to keep in mind....

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Everything looks good in a pic on a website - I've been up close and personal and my comments above still stand.

I have fitted the TJM to a turbo - small mods are required to the XR bracket kit supplied. The XR bracket kit is also different from the XT because the front bar cover extends further forward on the XR.

There are no cooling issues whatsoever with the style of nudge bar that has been discussed here.

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We need to setup a special counselling group within this site for those of us with "anti-kangaroo" sentiments. Maybe even a skirmish hunting party for the April festivities.... :hrmm:

Cro, know how ya feel mate. Everything will be so much better when Gadan comes back to you on Thursday looking brand spanking new. ;)


When does the kulling start :D



Try those cheap($5- $20) plastic ultrasonic things in your lower intake, We did after a lot of close calls on our last trip inland to Rockhampton and (touch wood) we havn't seen one since, Even the Cockatoos etc seem to get of the road earlier.

I'll be in touch :smilielol:


At 110 you have done extremely well or it was mini me equivallent roo. I am guessing there is some metal damage behind the bumper, radiator mounts busted light mounts etc????? All very much cosmetic luckily.

Later on after they pulled the bumper off they found some metal work damaged... Looks like the bumper support rail is totalled. Getting a new one re-welded..


also bet you $hit yourself

Almost... :thumbsup:


Cro> Did the roo have an ear tag?

No Idea, didn't stop...hopefully there won't be a next time, but if there is I'll check.

Ken 24T

Yeh right! 110 .... who you trying to kid Cro

Ok ok...for insurance purposes it was 110.


Shame Shame Shame

Darren Hinch? :P


Dont bother with a shuroo - the best place to get a bullbar/nudge bar for the BA falcon is www.ecb.com.au

Because of the availability, and quality I'll be going with TJM. Haven't heard much good stuff about ECB.

Shuroo is out of the question too, need to find something else.


Something to keep in mind....

It's easily removable so on hot days I can take it off if I see it's making the engine suffer. :)

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I frequently drive past the most heavily populated kangaroo area in the entire world, Puckapunyal Army Base, there are more roos than blades of grass in that joint. So I believe I have some experience when it comes to these matters.

1) Shu-roo's are a waste of time and money. So are those whistle things you stick to the bumper.

2) A nudge bar won't do crap to protect your car, they cover stuff all, but if you lucky the nudge bar will keep the roo from hitting the bumper by throwing him into your windscreen instead.

3) Driving lights will help you see the suckers easier (nudge bar required to mount lights) they won't stop them from coming onto the road though, the light dazzles them and they don't know which way is which they jump around unpredictably, just when you think they're gone they come back again!

When I'm driving through these areas:

1) Set the cruise control to 80km so I've got more time to react than if I was doing 100.

2) Keep my foot just waiting on the brake pedal for that split second quicker reaction time.

3) Use high beam where ever possible if the road is clear.

4) Get the passenger to keep an eye on the road aswell, my girlfriend has spotted heaps that I've missed before.

5) If possible drive behind someone else, let them hit the roos, but drive far enough back so you can stop if they slam on the anchors.

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Yep very good advice - as for the bullbars I havent been impressed with any of the TJM ones either. Personally I think its personal opinion depending on whether your after just a straight pipe bar (the smaller flimsy looking types) or the bigger full on type with the bar that covers the whole front.

If I was personally putting one on id probarly go for the pipe type, as they arent as big and heavy - and dont ruin the look as much.


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If you can scam it I'd be interested in a headlight housing to 'experiment' with a crackpot idea I have.....

Crackpot idea hey???

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

*cough* strobes *cough*

Sorry no strobes... but rather still a change in lighting feature. But there's two things..

A) I ain't goingt o try the idea out on a 'good' housing becuase part of the idea involves getitng intot he guts of it. And I need to work out the best way of getting intot he guts of a good one, the best way to do that is on an old one.

B) Purely cosmentic, just an idea for effect and not much else...


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I believe that you can open them up without too much drama Aaron. Apparently (havent tried it myself) you remove the entire headlight, and pop it in the oven for 5 minutes. This loosens the glue that seals the 2 parts together. Should be able to carefully pop it open. Same when you seal it back up, but probably use some additional sealant just in case.

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