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Where's my paint gone?

F6 699

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  • Puff
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  • Member For: 9y 10m 18d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: South Australia

Umm down the drain? :badabing:


You never had your paint, you never even had your car...until a couple of weeks ago.


I think your paint has been uv affected over time or had a slight scratch in it. When you blasted it the paint just came right off. Yes thank me Captain Obvious :pirate:


Here is a link to how to repaint it cos at the end of the day that is what you will need to do.


Disclaimer: I haven't tried this method but it seems legit. If you don't trust it then check with your local crash repair.

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As Puff and Jet have said above, its a common spot for stone chips and the like to occur and these are spots which open up the paint so water can get under the top coats. So when you hit it with a high pressure blast of water it get even more water between the paint and plastic. Keep in mind these are not Aston Martin's or BMW's.

I had a couple of stone chips on the bonnet of my F6 typhoon which had been pen touch up work done. I cleaned it with a pressure washer and" boom "

a piece of paint the size of a 50c piece came off. I was devastated, I had it stripped back to bare metal and resprayed. Sh¡t happens buddy.

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