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led brake globes and cruise control

Panda Eyes

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hi all


on searching the forums re cruise control not working it would appear the cruise control on a b series wont engage if there are led brake lights installed. 

would anyone know or be able to work out if a resistor could be put inline to give the correct signals for the cruise?



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I believe this is true, you need a resistor so the car thinks its turning on a standard globe. However, I thought it mattered more if you switched the indicators for LED's (otherwise they'll flash too fast).

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This is all true and I've done some extensive searching on this topic to discover this (with some first hand experience from @yenchy).


This thread does a good job of explaining it, but doesn't have a great solution (wiring globes in-line).


For the lights in the rear light assembly:

Brake/Tail-light LED's stop cruise control from working (and possibly even ABS).

Reverse-light LED's are on 24/7 (quite dim), even when you don't want them to be.

Indicator-light LED's make the entire indicator circuit to "blink" faster. (not entirely a bad thing :P)


yenchy put his globes in (he can link them, as I don't know which ones specifically he's using) and putting a 5-ohm resistor in-line didn't fix the cruise control problem.


yenchy and I measured the resistance of the stock globes (and read off the power ratings)...

Tail/Brake      2.3 ohm & 0.5ohm   5W & 21W

Reverse         1    ohm                  21W

Indicator        0.5 ohm                  21W


The LED resistance is practically zero in comparison :)yenchy might provide the resistance of his LED's :stirthepot:


I think the problem with the cruise is that when an incandescent bulb lights up, the resistance spikes briefly as the filament quickly heats up, so an in-line resistor may not solve that problem...


The amount of engineering to get these incandescent bulbs to work with these systems is astounding... all it does is cause problems for LED's...

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2 hours ago, k31th said:

Reverse-light LED's are on 24/7 (quite dim), even when you don't want them to be.


I have noticed this in my FG. Is it a big issue at all? Apart from aesthetics?


Might go back to standard, that sh*t will annoy me....

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I have standard reverse globes so no probs there. 

led indicator globes did blink fast until I put the cheapy eBay 6 ohm resistors in. now they're fine.


I did consider wiring standard brake bulbs back in and leaving them behind the side boot carpet.

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Nice thinking.  Leaving them wired in but not visible is the sort of solution I'd probably end up with.  Just make sure they can't light anything on fire as they do get hot!

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