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Ute goes sideways - normal?


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Hi, only just joined this forum & have only had my 2010 XR50T ute for a month & need some help.

Really impressed by the acceleration of this weapon but had this happen a few of times & wanted to know if it's normal.


If I accelerate hard, even when moving, car goes fine, no wheelspin, then after 40-50 metres it will start fishtailing or whip sideways without warning (no tyre screeching) scaring the sh*t out of me.

I've owned quite a few V8 Falcons & Mustangs so know what good torque feels like but this is something else again.

Could it be the combination of the turbo 'kicking in' & no weight over the rear wheels? Traction control & LSD don't seem to help.

Appreciate any help/advice.


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Pretty normal mate, most of our turbo barras start spinning once boost ramps up... usually around the 40kph it starts to really kick in!

Most people think the utes are light in the rear due to the commi utes but the falcon with the leaf set up is actually heavier then the sadan. 

Im guessing its a auto? On stock rims? And probs cheap 235s? 


Id suggest new tyres ans u can fit 255s no probs to a 8inch rim I rated my Hankook ventus pretty highly back on the stockers.


Or getting new rims with at least a 10inch rear width! 


P.S welcome to the forum!

Feel free to upload some pics :panda:

Edited by BAXRTUTE
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  • skids
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yeah its hell fun aye man! :pandalol::busted1::3gears:


sometimes my car is really laggy when I roll the throttle on slowly and I get upto 60kmh then it starts turning the wheels which I am not terribly keen of, like I slowly mash the throttle without intending to get wheelspin and the car goes nah m8 have some wheelspin lol - definitely dependant on the road surface and how hot the tyres are, which im not used to still.


if I floor it off the line it leaves black lines on the road which is good and bad I spose hahahahahha. running 245 nitto invos which still seem to have alot of grip.


I would recommend fitting some extremely high quality rear tyres and insist on the newest date code possible. rubber degrades in a very short amount of time so even if you already have 'good tyres' if they're more than 3 years old I'd replace them - especially if you're complaining of grip. 


is yours a ZF? it kicks back to 2nd when you floor it (even when in manual mode) and I freaking love doing this to the car.

Edited by skidxr6t
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Thanks for the info guys, good to hear that's 'normal'.

Original 50T 19" mags, previous owner had fitted 255 Pirellis but not a lot of life left in them so will get some new rubber to see if that helps as you recommend..


Have to admit, the first time I gave it a bootful, I yelled out F@@@@@ck & the first thing that came to mind is that this ute is a weapon.

Yeh it's an auto (6 speed?)

Thanks again

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  • skids
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check out the date code on the tyre :)


it should be four numbers, I.e I have a spare tyre here with date code 0116 which is january 2016.


the 6 speed auto is awesome, that's the ZF.


Just now, XR50T said:

Have to admit, the first time I gave it a bootful, I yelled out F@@@@@ck & the first thing that came to mind is that this ute is a weapon.

one of my worst moments was with the girlfriend in the wet, I thought it would be dry under a bridge while entering the freeway (it looked dry!) so I floored it going 70kmh and the car completely kicked out which would have been witnessed by at least 20 other cars LOL. I was still on the on ramp which was extra wide luckily...

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45 minutes ago, XR50T said:

Thanks for the info guys, good to hear that's 'normal'.

Original 50T 19" mags, previous owner had fitted 255 Pirellis but not a lot of life left in them so will get some new rubber to see if that helps as you recommend..


Have to admit, the first time I gave it a bootful, I yelled out F@@@@@ck & the first thing that came to mind is that this ute is a weapon.

Yeh it's an auto (6 speed?)

Thanks again

Have a look at the Hankooks ventus evo2 k117s I had 300rwkw and there 255s hooked up very well and great grip in the wet also. 


Where u located bud?

Edited by BAXRTUTE
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5 hours ago, XR50T said:

Have to admit, the first time I gave it a bootful, I yelled out F@@@@@ck & the first thing that came to mind is that this ute is a weapon.

Yeh it's an auto (6 speed?)

Thanks again

Hahaha. I think everyone here has a similar memory of saying to themselves

"Fark this is a weapon"

Cherry has been officially popped.:panda:

Welcome big fella......

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Thanks for the welcoming comments & I'll read through previous posts to learn a bit more. 

Can you tell me what tyre profile I need? Currently have 255 35 19 Pirellis on the rear that were put on by previous owner. Is that right? - don't want to throw the speedo out. Speedo lines up pretty right with the GPS unit at the moment I think. 


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