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Machine rotors or replace


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So I recently brought a 2010 xr6 turbo done about 98000 and the brakes shudder about 40% of the time during braking, I have a mate who's a mechanic told me the brakes might need to be machined, I've read the shudder can come back after a while with this method, I found online a set of DBA4504S rotors for 320 for the pair, so the question is should I buy new rotors or machine the old ones

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  • Member For: 8y 7m 8d
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Buy new rotors and pads. 

Those ones you found are by all accounts the best you can get without going 2 piece rotors and brembo calipers. 

@JETURBO can hook you up on a good price for this with pads. You'll have to pm him for a price. 

Those rotors and project MU pads or QFM pads are the go. I've got experience with QFM and they're a good pad and fully Australian made and owned :imsohappy:


In saying that I am using a set of eBay slotted and dimpled rotors. Tora is the brand. I'm using their pads also and after 1000km of thrashing them they love it. Haven't started to warp yet like a lot of other cheap rotors. Pretty sure I paid under $150 for the pair with pads. 

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  • Cruise Whore
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If you want to upgrade to better rotors then buy a new set and new pads.  Most guys like Bendix Ultimates with those dba slotted rotors. 


Don't forget to get a wheel alignment and balance as I found on my BAs (had 2 now) that I needed the balance as well to remove the shudder.


Once you go the dbas should find shudder disappears from what I've experienced.  but I've heard stories wheel it has not resolved the shudder when braking.


You'll still need to machine rotors and buy new pads even with the dba's.


And welcome to the Mad House!



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  • Member For: 8y 7m 8d
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You shouldn't need a wheel balance and wheel alignment. There's something wrong with your new rotors if you're experiencing a wobble. 


The shudder is is caused by hard braking and holding your foot on the brake when stopped after a big brake. 

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