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N/A ba xr6 turbo conversion


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Simple and quick numbers 

Engine gasket kit $300

Bearings $200

Piston rings $250

If you can find good condition Turbo rods and Pistons you'd be up over $500 at minimum, if you go new rods budget $600 if you go pistons at well $800 for factory spec

Need to over haul the factory head with turbo components, so including machining when its off start at $1000 for this, or you  could try find a second hand turbo head. 

While its apart, oil gears $400, upgrade the timing gear including cam and crank sprockets $1000

Need turbo manifold, turbo, dump, cat and associated lines so another $1000 minimum as you want good condition low km ones.



That is real quick numbers, but you could pick up an fg turbo long motor for $3000.


Hell I got my FG F6 long motor for $3500, there is plenty of those pushing 450kw stock.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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3 hours ago, Ralph Wiggum said:





seems like a more cost effective solution


9 minutes ago, JETURBO said:

It's not a 69 fastback mate screw the matching numbers 


I have a pelican of a customer who will not listen to reason and is nearly 14k in the hole on the C.A.P.A V3 supercharger kit that's been installed onto his FG mk2 XR6 because he wants something different...


he's definitely different with a whole bunch less cash and still no 300rwkw sheet !

Like I said 

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  • Puff
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Op there are literally dozens of stock and modified turbo ba's kicking around on gumtree for less than $10k and closer to 5 than 10.


There are plenty of fg turbos around the $15k mark. 


Hell you can get a barely used sprint on super low finance for $40k.


There was a highly modified bf for sale in Adelaide with over 500rwkw for $25k.


Make a few calls and see what you'd get if you dropped a mid 2000 na sedan off at a shop and said make it fast?!


Most wouldn't do it the way you want because you would pay out the arse for fark all and you'd be unhappy with the result. 


Even if I did all the work myself I still wouldn't do it that way to achieve owning a turbo falcon. 


But hey I'm just a puffwagon so what would I know? 

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19 hours ago, Hezabot said:

Alright so as the title says I want to turbo my n/a ba xr6 (no I don't wanna put a turbo engine in or sell and buy a turbo). I some what know what I need to do to get this done (getting a bit of information here and there), I came here because I want in depth knowledge from people that have done this. I'm looking at around the 330-400rwkw range. 


List of parts I've been told I'd need -

valve springs

intercoooler and piping

conrods and pistons (maybe)

turbo (obviously)



fuel pump 

drive shafts

exhaust (looking at a stainless xforce, not sure about size as I'm not one for having a really Loud car but don't wanna loose performance)

upgrades for the box (stronger syncros, better input shaft)

Heavy duty clutch (already have one but will be replaced once all this has been done)


I need someone that can not only tell me what I'm missing but also suggest what parts to use - brand and model and why. 


at the moment it has a t56 in it out of a bf xr6t I also grabbed the diff because of the ratios. Before I put diff in I will be putting a truetrac in it and getting all my diff bushes done at the same time (any advice of bushes to use would be great) also I got the whole bf cradle, so do I use the one in my car or the bf (it's an early 06 bf I've got a may 04). 

Once diff is out to put the 'new' diff in I will also be putting in whiteline adjustable control arms because I'm running 275/30-20 and it's lowered.  


Im sorry to be a pain in the ass, but I wanna get this right the first time. I don't want some guy from the car shop telling me what I need cause that's what he makes more money on (don't really know of any good people in Adelaide to be going through to buy these parts or to get advice, any knowledge in this area would also be much appreciated). If I've missed something please let me know and I will reply as soon as I can, thank you. 

As one whom is good a blowing money on cars........ listen to the people above that have suggested getting a fg turbo engine and the plenum and turbo side attached!!! 


Ive just done a full fg drive line in my BA ute tr6060, npc twin plate clutch, built tail shaft, built fg long, with a few other things bolted on as well and im 25k down the drain and that's after putting almost 30k into it already! was a 7k buy stock now a 60k fark around.



But if u insist on your avenue ( shakes head ) I have a few old parts off my BA turbo engine. like the heads... a gt3582... FG turbo front brakes 325mm rotors.... 3 inch plazmaman hot and cold side piping to suit B series engine.... Atomic valve springs.... nothing has done over 15,000km ( except the turbo and head ) @ROB83R mite have a say on what is available!

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3 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

Op there are literally dozens of stock and modified turbo ba's kicking around on gumtree for less than $10k and closer to 5 than 10.


There are plenty of fg turbos around the $15k mark. 


Hell you can get a barely used sprint on super low finance for $40k.


There was a highly modified bf for sale in Adelaide with over 500rwkw for $25k.


Make a few calls and see what you'd get if you dropped a mid 2000 na sedan off at a shop and said make it fast?!


Most wouldn't do it the way you want because you would pay out the arse for fark all and you'd be unhappy with the result. 


Even if I did all the work myself I still wouldn't do it that way to achieve owning a turbo falcon. 


But hey I'm just a puffwagon so what would I know? 

Ya definitely know a little bit more than old mate because you bought a turbo not a atmo barra.:happyfriends:

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Maybe I'm just getting old but nothing could convince me, not even blow jobs for days, to waste that much time, effort and money on a $3k car when I could just buy something up to the task for less than it would cost to modify a na car in the long run.



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26 minutes ago, BAXRTUTE said:

As one whom is good a blowing money on cars........ listen to the people above that have suggested getting a fg turbo engine and the plenum and turbo side attached!!! 


Ive just done a full fg drive line in my BA ute tr6060, npc twin plate clutch, built tail shaft, built fg long, with a few other things bolted on as well and im 25k down the drain and that's after putting almost 30k into it already! was a 7k buy stock now a 60k fark around.



But if u insist on your avenue ( shakes head ) I have a few old parts off my BA turbo engine. like the heads... a gt3582... FG turbo front brakes 325mm rotors.... 3 inch plazmaman hot and cold side piping to suit B series engine.... Atomic valve springs.... nothing has done over 15,000km ( except the turbo and head ) @ROB83R mite have a say on what is available!


If he wants to go this avenue and comes up with the coin first Cris he's more than welcome. 

My plans might change anyway. I might go full NA spec with NOS! 

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  • Puff
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Op I didn't want to bring up @BAXRTUTE cos I thought it could be a sore point for him. 


However since he has mentioned his modding journey you should take note of what he says. 


Read his earlier posts and remember that your arse will sorer than his when you're done.

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Cris loves it raw but... 


To the op

Don't let us stop you. You can boost that motor you have but it'll be a wasted exercise. 

Outlay vs performance or bang for buck you'll be way behind what someone would with a factory turbo just to keep matching numbers. 

You're modifying it so matching numbers means fark all at the end of the day. 

Get yourself a bf2 onwards turbo wreck and go from there. You've got all the gear just transfer it to your shell. Much easier and cost effective that way. 

Edited by ROB83R
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