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N/A ba xr6 turbo conversion


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Alright so as the title says I want to turbo my n/a ba xr6 (no I don't wanna put a turbo engine in or sell and buy a turbo). I some what know what I need to do to get this done (getting a bit of information here and there), I came here because I want in depth knowledge from people that have done this. I'm looking at around the 330-400rwkw range. 


List of parts I've been told I'd need -

valve springs

intercoooler and piping

conrods and pistons (maybe)

turbo (obviously)



fuel pump 

drive shafts

exhaust (looking at a stainless xforce, not sure about size as I'm not one for having a really Loud car but don't wanna loose performance)

upgrades for the box (stronger syncros, better input shaft)

Heavy duty clutch (already have one but will be replaced once all this has been done)


I need someone that can not only tell me what I'm missing but also suggest what parts to use - brand and model and why. 


at the moment it has a t56 in it out of a bf xr6t I also grabbed the diff because of the ratios. Before I put diff in I will be putting a truetrac in it and getting all my diff bushes done at the same time (any advice of bushes to use would be great) also I got the whole bf cradle, so do I use the one in my car or the bf (it's an early 06 bf I've got a may 04). 

Once diff is out to put the 'new' diff in I will also be putting in whiteline adjustable control arms because I'm running 275/30-20 and it's lowered.  


Im sorry to be a pain in the ass, but I wanna get this right the first time. I don't want some guy from the car shop telling me what I need cause that's what he makes more money on (don't really know of any good people in Adelaide to be going through to buy these parts or to get advice, any knowledge in this area would also be much appreciated). If I've missed something please let me know and I will reply as soon as I can, thank you. 

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^ What this guy said


Or if you're set on doing it, allow to have the car off the road for 6 months and do it properly

Set yourself a budget and acknowledge you're going to spend another 50-100% of that

Built motor since it's a BA with playdough rods

Std T56 will be fine with that power


3 hours ago, Hezabot said:

I need someone that can not only tell me what I'm missing but also suggest what parts to use - brand and model and why. 


^^Guys on here are very helpful but you'll need to get off your arse and get onto the search button with your own research for starters

It's all been done before, learn from other people's lessons/mistakes and don't use up all your questions on basic stuff


Type "NA to turbo" in the search field and you'll get plenty info to get you started

Eg. one of the threads that will pop up:

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I read this last night when he posted it. 

All I could think of is he must have deep arse pockets or loves this car too much to let it go. 

The amount of coin needed to commit to this method and finish it is insane. 


Just out of curiosity why do you have to keep that motor? 

I understand the car part but not the motor. 

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^ this.


Buy fg turbo motor. Plenty around. Throw springs in it and a few supporting mods. 


Job done. 


Ic going for the big numbers then build the n/a but it doea seem long fisted.

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15 hours ago, Hezabot said:

Alright so as the title says I want to turbo my n/a ba xr6 (no I don't wanna put a turbo engine in or sell and buy a turbo). I some what know what I need to do to get this done (getting a bit of information here and there), I came here because I want in depth knowledge from people that have done this. I'm looking at around the 330-400rwkw range. 

Won't find that here unfortunately mate, no one has wasted their time. Look its your call, but for what you will need to spend on parts etc you will essentially have made a ticking time bomb. 

If your going down the route of looking at buying Piston and Rods, might as well look for what the gents have suggested above. Then you can spend the money save on good quality bolt on parts for fun wheeeee car time. 


Good luck to you, but just have a look at what is involved in executing what your thinking 

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15 hours ago, Hezabot said:

any advice of bushes to use would be great



IMS diff hat upgrade


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3 hours ago, ROB83R said:

I read this last night when he posted it. 

All I could think of is he must have deep arse pockets or loves this car too much to let it go. 

The amount of coin needed to commit to this method and finish it is insane. 


Just out of curiosity why do you have to keep that motor? 

I understand the car part but not the motor. 


Motor has 50xxx kms and would rather have original do numbers are all matching.


also people seem to be saying this is really expensive, can you please explain what you call expensive? 

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It's not a 69 fastback mate screw the matching numbers 


I have a pelican of a customer who will not listen to reason and is nearly 14k in the hole on the C.A.P.A V3 supercharger kit that's been installed onto his FG mk2 XR6 because he wants something different...


he's definitely different with a whole bunch less cash and still no 300rwkw sheet !

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