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I was wondering with the new Trump policy of bringing back the troops, if Australia are in the sh*t it's possible he might say "screw you" and let us go it alone.  


If Aus was taken over by an Asian neighbour I doubt it would dent America's economy much.  They would lose the military bases I guess, would that be enough incentive for them to send a serious amount of troops/ships/tanks/planes here though?

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So building military bases 2900km outside their EEZ and threatening everyone including civilian airlines that fly in those international waters is not a strategic move? 
turning natural reefs into islands (which now gives them range to the NT) and threten people that are allowed to legally be there? 
You dont think that they are war mongering? You thinking strategically placing isnt a war move? You dont think that dropping trade with australia in the last few years to reduce our income into australia insnt strategically "choking" our economy?

MBAF OK. Didn't have time to reply to you. Chinese trade through those waters is worth more than 5 trillion dolars and it climbs up every year. Currently as things are, any neighbouring
foreign power can lay claim in south china see islands and they do.
It means this 5 trillion dollars worth of trade can be stopped any time this other power wants it or have dispute with China or any other reason, real or made up. With those sums of money involved in trade you would try to protect it if you were in charge of that trade.
More importantly, they could serve as stations for early warning system in case of ICBMs launched from Australia or numerous US installations around the region.
If you're familiar with MAD you will know that earlier you receive a warning of incoming ICBM/nuclear cruise missiles launched at you, more time you have to respond. It is as simple as that.
You see, something similar happened during so called cuban crisis. Except cuban crisis was consequence, not a cause event. The real cause of that crisis was that American stationed nuclear Jupiters MRBM in Turkey. It meant that Moscow could be wiped of the map in less than 10 min. To Russians this was unacceptable as minimum they neded was 30 min to evacuate and launch retaliatory attack from ICBMs and SLBMs.
They actually only did in Cuba what Americans already did in Turkey, move those weapons of judgement day close to US mainland. When Americans realised they could be fried in Washington DC in less then 10 min, what did they do? Show all the world to see how evil those russians really are wanting to deploy nuclear weapons so close to US and poor poor americans didn't have a choice but to threaten a WW3. It all ended good because Americans did agree to withdraw those nuclear jupiters from Turkey on the border with russia.
See, every government has responsibility to protect their population. China is doing exactly that. They will put early warning systems to those islands, also short and probably long range AA systems alongside with SLBM capable submarines and ships. Obama openly said a couple a years ago his pacific shift policy is specifically targeting China.
Here in Australia, we have to go in all the wars yanks take us to: Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya disaster to name a few and it was meant to be Syria as well if killary was elected. Now, we are also aircraft carrier for the US against China. Think, pause for a second.. If you were Chinese government, would you still conduct a business with a country that openly declare themselves supporters of very threatening force that invaded numerous countries in just last 20 years(we're not going to count more than A3 page list of countries invaded before that)?
That support is material, financial, military, intelligence gathering and list goes on. And it is directly threatening their interests in south china see.
Americans can not take the fact that soon China will be the biggest market in the world. You don't need to be afraid of China. They will not invade anyone. It is simply against their interest. It would severely restrict their rise or even reverse it. Chineese government is well aware of those facts. But don't assume that they will do nothing as one foreign power starts moving aircraft carriers, task force groups, warships, expanding military bases along with intelligence gathering all in the south china see supported by dwarf (in global terms).
As I see it they are within their right to take business slowly elswhere. We are not the only country with mineral ore and other natural resources in the world.
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I think it's only a matter of time before there's an incident in the South China seas, I don't expect it to lead to war but I do think it would be very easy to throw the words "economic sanctions" around & see what happens, as that would hurt China.

China could bluster about cashing in the US' $3 trillion in debt they have which I believe ultimately would be a good thing for the US, in a light a fire under their ass*es kind of way.

They can always outsource to an ally like India, although Pakistan is a bit of a hotbed thanks to Afghanistan.

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2 hours ago, hpfmnst said:

MBAF OK. Didn't have time to reply to you. Chinese trade through those waters is worth more than 5 trillion dolars and it climbs up every year. Currently as things are, any neighbouring
foreign power can lay claim in south china see islands and they do.
It means this 5 trillion dollars worth of trade can be stopped any time this other power wants it or have dispute with China or any other reason, real or made up. With those sums of money involved in trade you would try to protect it if you were in charge of that trade.
More importantly, they could serve as stations for early warning system in case of ICBMs launched from Australia or numerous US installations around the region.
If you're familiar with MAD you will know that earlier you receive a warning of incoming ICBM/nuclear cruise missiles launched at you, more time you have to respond. It is as simple as that.
You see, something similar happened during so called cuban crisis. Except cuban crisis was consequence, not a cause event. The real cause of that crisis was that American stationed nuclear Jupiters MRBM in Turkey. It meant that Moscow could be wiped of the map in less than 10 min. To Russians this was unacceptable as minimum they neded was 30 min to evacuate and launch retaliatory attack from ICBMs and SLBMs.
They actually only did in Cuba what Americans already did in Turkey, move those weapons of judgement day close to US mainland. When Americans realised they could be fried in Washington DC in less then 10 min, what did they do? Show all the world to see how evil those russians really are wanting to deploy nuclear weapons so close to US and poor poor americans didn't have a choice but to threaten a WW3. It all ended good because Americans did agree to withdraw those nuclear jupiters from Turkey on the border with russia.
See, every government has responsibility to protect their population. China is doing exactly that. They will put early warning systems to those islands, also short and probably long range AA systems alongside with SLBM capable submarines and ships. Obama openly said a couple a years ago his pacific shift policy is specifically targeting China.
Here in Australia, we have to go in all the wars yanks take us to: Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya disaster to name a few and it was meant to be Syria as well if killary was elected. Now, we are also aircraft carrier for the US against China. Think, pause for a second.. If you were Chinese government, would you still conduct a business with a country that openly declare themselves supporters of very threatening force that invaded numerous countries in just last 20 years(we're not going to count more than A3 page list of countries invaded before that)?
That support is material, financial, military, intelligence gathering and list goes on. And it is directly threatening their interests in south china see.
Americans can not take the fact that soon China will be the biggest market in the world. You don't need to be afraid of China. They will not invade anyone. It is simply against their interest. It would severely restrict their rise or even reverse it. Chineese government is well aware of those facts. But don't assume that they will do nothing as one foreign power starts moving aircraft carriers, task force groups, warships, expanding military bases along with intelligence gathering all in the south china see supported by dwarf (in global terms).
As I see it they are within their right to take business slowly elswhere. We are not the only country with mineral ore and other natural resources in the world.


So much to say but this isnt the place or is it really appropriate on a ford forum and we are going way off topic from my original point. 


I for one dont care so much about the islands but they have no right to build nuclear bases in international waters 3000km away from their own territory/boarder/eez. that's the law! Not to mention threatening civillian aircraft...some trade hey?


But in saying that you are obviously unaware of the threats that have been made to australia in the last 10 months and I certainly wont post them here, but that is one reason why usa flew 2 b1 bombers here.


Differnece between you and I is im on the inside and your on the outside looking in. Ill let you work that one out..

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