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Hey all,

Recently purchased an 04 XR6T from Taree Ford. Put the boot in and starts making good boost till 4000RPM and starts coughing n surging , missing ....as if its running out of fuel for that boost its makin....and the boost is fairly up there...as far as I know car is stock...stock turbo, piping, cooler, injectors etc... unless some dipsh*t has put a generic tune in it...took it back to ford after hr later they said they orderd a new boost solendoid as it read out a code saying 'WASTE GATE STUCK' and also a new actuator...pressure tested the actuator and seems to move fine....so im waiting on parts...service manager says its ok drive it but try and stay off boost till parts arrive.... I said ill try but this problem is on your R/O and if it throws a rod out the side of the motor you are replacing the motor for fweeee....

in the meantime I ran the hose from turbo directly to actuator and it has helped...its dropped boost but still coughs and starts missing at 4000RPM....

which tells me the actuator may be weak.... fuel pump maybe?.....ami correct guys?... got no idea just putting it out there for someone who has had similar or has an opinion... TIA

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you said you pressure tested the actuator and it opens on stock boost OK?


If the actuator is tested to be OK, then the hose from turbo directly to actuator is an acceptable bypass to ensure that the solenoid or it's controller (tune) is bypassed, so it's definitely not the actuator in that scenario.


Check spark plugs and coils to ensure they're OK, first. It could be almost anything, though... but Ford should be able to ensure it has a stock tune in it and also be able to troubleshoot a spark or fuel issue.

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I got a mid north coaster on the forum? no way!

Welcome firstly!


Id be leaving it with them till its right mate!! if there is a issue they will blame u 100% and try everything to get out of paying for anything.

My BA started doing very similar to urs and then shot a rod on cruise control when I hit the button 5 times to accelerate.


As for the rest Mr hampster knows more then I so he mite be right there.

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Gaids Cris! 


I had had this same symptom recently and it was the hose had fallen off the front of the turbo so effectively eliminating any boost control. 

Hit 4k and about 9psi plus and it would sh*t the bed. Coughing and breaking up spitting fuel out the exhaust. 

Fitted the hose and it stopped it. 


If yours is still doing it on 4 pounds I would be looking at the coils and plugs like keefy said. 


Plus wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion. Don't trust them fraud kents! 

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